import io import os import pytest from unittest import mock from unittest.mock import sentinel import trio from trio import _core from trio._file_io import AsyncIOWrapper, _FILE_SYNC_ATTRS, _FILE_ASYNC_METHODS @pytest.fixture def path(tmpdir): return os.fspath(tmpdir.join("test")) @pytest.fixture def wrapped(): return mock.Mock(spec_set=io.StringIO) @pytest.fixture def async_file(wrapped): return trio.wrap_file(wrapped) def test_wrap_invalid(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): trio.wrap_file(str()) def test_wrap_non_iobase(): class FakeFile: def close(self): # pragma: no cover pass def write(self): # pragma: no cover pass wrapped = FakeFile() assert not isinstance(wrapped, io.IOBase) async_file = trio.wrap_file(wrapped) assert isinstance(async_file, AsyncIOWrapper) del FakeFile.write with pytest.raises(TypeError): trio.wrap_file(FakeFile()) def test_wrapped_property(async_file, wrapped): assert async_file.wrapped is wrapped def test_dir_matches_wrapped(async_file, wrapped): attrs = _FILE_SYNC_ATTRS.union(_FILE_ASYNC_METHODS) # all supported attrs in wrapped should be available in async_file assert all(attr in dir(async_file) for attr in attrs if attr in dir(wrapped)) # all supported attrs not in wrapped should not be available in async_file assert not any( attr in dir(async_file) for attr in attrs if attr not in dir(wrapped) ) def test_unsupported_not_forwarded(): class FakeFile(io.RawIOBase): def unsupported_attr(self): # pragma: no cover pass async_file = trio.wrap_file(FakeFile()) assert hasattr(async_file.wrapped, "unsupported_attr") with pytest.raises(AttributeError): getattr(async_file, "unsupported_attr") def test_sync_attrs_forwarded(async_file, wrapped): for attr_name in _FILE_SYNC_ATTRS: if attr_name not in dir(async_file): continue assert getattr(async_file, attr_name) is getattr(wrapped, attr_name) def test_sync_attrs_match_wrapper(async_file, wrapped): for attr_name in _FILE_SYNC_ATTRS: if attr_name in dir(async_file): continue with pytest.raises(AttributeError): getattr(async_file, attr_name) with pytest.raises(AttributeError): getattr(wrapped, attr_name) def test_async_methods_generated_once(async_file): for meth_name in _FILE_ASYNC_METHODS: if meth_name not in dir(async_file): continue assert getattr(async_file, meth_name) is getattr(async_file, meth_name) def test_async_methods_signature(async_file): # use read as a representative of all async methods assert == "read" assert == "" assert "" in async def test_async_methods_wrap(async_file, wrapped): for meth_name in _FILE_ASYNC_METHODS: if meth_name not in dir(async_file): continue meth = getattr(async_file, meth_name) wrapped_meth = getattr(wrapped, meth_name) value = await meth(sentinel.argument, keyword=sentinel.keyword) wrapped_meth.assert_called_once_with( sentinel.argument, keyword=sentinel.keyword ) assert value == wrapped_meth() wrapped.reset_mock() async def test_async_methods_match_wrapper(async_file, wrapped): for meth_name in _FILE_ASYNC_METHODS: if meth_name in dir(async_file): continue with pytest.raises(AttributeError): getattr(async_file, meth_name) with pytest.raises(AttributeError): getattr(wrapped, meth_name) async def test_open(path): f = await trio.open_file(path, "w") assert isinstance(f, AsyncIOWrapper) await f.aclose() async def test_open_context_manager(path): async with await trio.open_file(path, "w") as f: assert isinstance(f, AsyncIOWrapper) assert not f.closed assert f.closed async def test_async_iter(): async_file = trio.wrap_file(io.StringIO("test\nfoo\nbar")) expected = list(async_file.wrapped) result = [] async for line in async_file: result.append(line) assert result == expected async def test_aclose_cancelled(path): with _core.CancelScope() as cscope: f = await trio.open_file(path, "w") cscope.cancel() with pytest.raises(_core.Cancelled): await f.write("a") with pytest.raises(_core.Cancelled): await f.aclose() assert f.closed async def test_detach_rewraps_asynciobase(): raw = io.BytesIO() buffered = io.BufferedReader(raw) async_file = trio.wrap_file(buffered) detached = await async_file.detach() assert isinstance(detached, AsyncIOWrapper) assert detached.wrapped is raw