# Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The SFC licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. class Command: """ Defines constants for the standard WebDriver commands. While these constants have no meaning in and of themselves, they are used to marshal commands through a service that implements WebDriver's remote wire protocol: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol """ # Keep in sync with org.openqa.selenium.remote.DriverCommand NEW_SESSION: str = "newSession" DELETE_SESSION: str = "deleteSession" NEW_WINDOW: str = "newWindow" CLOSE: str = "close" QUIT: str = "quit" GET: str = "get" GO_BACK: str = "goBack" GO_FORWARD: str = "goForward" REFRESH: str = "refresh" ADD_COOKIE: str = "addCookie" GET_COOKIE: str = "getCookie" GET_ALL_COOKIES: str = "getCookies" DELETE_COOKIE: str = "deleteCookie" DELETE_ALL_COOKIES: str = "deleteAllCookies" FIND_ELEMENT: str = "findElement" FIND_ELEMENTS: str = "findElements" FIND_CHILD_ELEMENT: str = "findChildElement" FIND_CHILD_ELEMENTS: str = "findChildElements" CLEAR_ELEMENT: str = "clearElement" CLICK_ELEMENT: str = "clickElement" SEND_KEYS_TO_ELEMENT: str = "sendKeysToElement" UPLOAD_FILE: str = "uploadFile" W3C_GET_CURRENT_WINDOW_HANDLE: str = "w3cGetCurrentWindowHandle" W3C_GET_WINDOW_HANDLES: str = "w3cGetWindowHandles" SET_WINDOW_RECT: str = "setWindowRect" GET_WINDOW_RECT: str = "getWindowRect" SWITCH_TO_WINDOW: str = "switchToWindow" SWITCH_TO_FRAME: str = "switchToFrame" SWITCH_TO_PARENT_FRAME: str = "switchToParentFrame" W3C_GET_ACTIVE_ELEMENT: str = "w3cGetActiveElement" GET_CURRENT_URL: str = "getCurrentUrl" GET_PAGE_SOURCE: str = "getPageSource" GET_TITLE: str = "getTitle" W3C_EXECUTE_SCRIPT: str = "w3cExecuteScript" W3C_EXECUTE_SCRIPT_ASYNC: str = "w3cExecuteScriptAsync" GET_ELEMENT_TEXT: str = "getElementText" GET_ELEMENT_TAG_NAME: str = "getElementTagName" IS_ELEMENT_SELECTED: str = "isElementSelected" IS_ELEMENT_ENABLED: str = "isElementEnabled" GET_ELEMENT_RECT: str = "getElementRect" GET_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE: str = "getElementAttribute" GET_ELEMENT_PROPERTY: str = "getElementProperty" GET_ELEMENT_VALUE_OF_CSS_PROPERTY: str = "getElementValueOfCssProperty" GET_ELEMENT_ARIA_ROLE: str = "getElementAriaRole" GET_ELEMENT_ARIA_LABEL: str = "getElementAriaLabel" SCREENSHOT: str = "screenshot" ELEMENT_SCREENSHOT: str = "elementScreenshot" EXECUTE_ASYNC_SCRIPT: str = "executeAsyncScript" SET_TIMEOUTS: str = "setTimeouts" GET_TIMEOUTS: str = "getTimeouts" W3C_MAXIMIZE_WINDOW: str = "w3cMaximizeWindow" GET_LOG: str = "getLog" GET_AVAILABLE_LOG_TYPES: str = "getAvailableLogTypes" FULLSCREEN_WINDOW: str = "fullscreenWindow" MINIMIZE_WINDOW: str = "minimizeWindow" PRINT_PAGE: str = "printPage" # Alerts W3C_DISMISS_ALERT: str = "w3cDismissAlert" W3C_ACCEPT_ALERT: str = "w3cAcceptAlert" W3C_SET_ALERT_VALUE: str = "w3cSetAlertValue" W3C_GET_ALERT_TEXT: str = "w3cGetAlertText" # Advanced user interactions W3C_ACTIONS: str = "actions" W3C_CLEAR_ACTIONS: str = "clearActionState" # Screen Orientation SET_SCREEN_ORIENTATION: str = "setScreenOrientation" GET_SCREEN_ORIENTATION: str = "getScreenOrientation" # Mobile GET_NETWORK_CONNECTION: str = "getNetworkConnection" SET_NETWORK_CONNECTION: str = "setNetworkConnection" CURRENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE: str = "getCurrentContextHandle" CONTEXT_HANDLES: str = "getContextHandles" SWITCH_TO_CONTEXT: str = "switchToContext" # Web Components GET_SHADOW_ROOT: str = "getShadowRoot" FIND_ELEMENT_FROM_SHADOW_ROOT: str = "findElementFromShadowRoot" FIND_ELEMENTS_FROM_SHADOW_ROOT: str = "findElementsFromShadowRoot" # Virtual Authenticator ADD_VIRTUAL_AUTHENTICATOR: str = "addVirtualAuthenticator" REMOVE_VIRTUAL_AUTHENTICATOR: str = "removeVirtualAuthenticator" ADD_CREDENTIAL: str = "addCredential" GET_CREDENTIALS: str = "getCredentials" REMOVE_CREDENTIAL: str = "removeCredential" REMOVE_ALL_CREDENTIALS: str = "removeAllCredentials" SET_USER_VERIFIED: str = "setUserVerified"