""" Helper functions for writing to terminals and files. """ import sys, os, unicodedata import py py3k = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 py33 = sys.version_info >= (3, 3) from py.builtin import text, bytes win32_and_ctypes = False colorama = None if sys.platform == "win32": try: import colorama except ImportError: try: import ctypes win32_and_ctypes = True except ImportError: pass def _getdimensions(): if py33: import shutil size = shutil.get_terminal_size() return size.lines, size.columns else: import termios, fcntl, struct call = fcntl.ioctl(1, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, "\000" * 8) height, width = struct.unpack("hhhh", call)[:2] return height, width def get_terminal_width(): width = 0 try: _, width = _getdimensions() except py.builtin._sysex: raise except: # pass to fallback below pass if width == 0: # FALLBACK: # * some exception happened # * or this is emacs terminal which reports (0,0) width = int(os.environ.get('COLUMNS', 80)) # XXX the windows getdimensions may be bogus, let's sanify a bit if width < 40: width = 80 return width terminal_width = get_terminal_width() char_width = { 'A': 1, # "Ambiguous" 'F': 2, # Fullwidth 'H': 1, # Halfwidth 'N': 1, # Neutral 'Na': 1, # Narrow 'W': 2, # Wide } def get_line_width(text): text = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', text) return sum(char_width.get(unicodedata.east_asian_width(c), 1) for c in text) # XXX unify with _escaped func below def ansi_print(text, esc, file=None, newline=True, flush=False): if file is None: file = sys.stderr text = text.rstrip() if esc and not isinstance(esc, tuple): esc = (esc,) if esc and sys.platform != "win32" and file.isatty(): text = (''.join(['\x1b[%sm' % cod for cod in esc]) + text + '\x1b[0m') # ANSI color code "reset" if newline: text += '\n' if esc and win32_and_ctypes and file.isatty(): if 1 in esc: bold = True esc = tuple([x for x in esc if x != 1]) else: bold = False esctable = {() : FOREGROUND_WHITE, # normal (31,): FOREGROUND_RED, # red (32,): FOREGROUND_GREEN, # green (33,): FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_RED, # yellow (34,): FOREGROUND_BLUE, # blue (35,): FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_RED, # purple (36,): FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_GREEN, # cyan (37,): FOREGROUND_WHITE, # white (39,): FOREGROUND_WHITE, # reset } attr = esctable.get(esc, FOREGROUND_WHITE) if bold: attr |= FOREGROUND_INTENSITY STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11 STD_ERROR_HANDLE = -12 if file is sys.stderr: handle = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE) else: handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) oldcolors = GetConsoleInfo(handle).wAttributes attr |= (oldcolors & 0x0f0) SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, attr) while len(text) > 32768: file.write(text[:32768]) text = text[32768:] if text: file.write(text) SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, oldcolors) else: file.write(text) if flush: file.flush() def should_do_markup(file): if os.environ.get('PY_COLORS') == '1': return True if os.environ.get('PY_COLORS') == '0': return False if 'NO_COLOR' in os.environ: return False return hasattr(file, 'isatty') and file.isatty() \ and os.environ.get('TERM') != 'dumb' \ and not (sys.platform.startswith('java') and os._name == 'nt') class TerminalWriter(object): _esctable = dict(black=30, red=31, green=32, yellow=33, blue=34, purple=35, cyan=36, white=37, Black=40, Red=41, Green=42, Yellow=43, Blue=44, Purple=45, Cyan=46, White=47, bold=1, light=2, blink=5, invert=7) # XXX deprecate stringio argument def __init__(self, file=None, stringio=False, encoding=None): if file is None: if stringio: self.stringio = file = py.io.TextIO() else: from sys import stdout as file elif py.builtin.callable(file) and not ( hasattr(file, "write") and hasattr(file, "flush")): file = WriteFile(file, encoding=encoding) if hasattr(file, "isatty") and file.isatty() and colorama: file = colorama.AnsiToWin32(file).stream self.encoding = encoding or getattr(file, 'encoding', "utf-8") self._file = file self.hasmarkup = should_do_markup(file) self._lastlen = 0 self._chars_on_current_line = 0 self._width_of_current_line = 0 @property def fullwidth(self): if hasattr(self, '_terminal_width'): return self._terminal_width return get_terminal_width() @fullwidth.setter def fullwidth(self, value): self._terminal_width = value @property def chars_on_current_line(self): """Return the number of characters written so far in the current line. Please note that this count does not produce correct results after a reline() call, see #164. .. versionadded:: 1.5.0 :rtype: int """ return self._chars_on_current_line @property def width_of_current_line(self): """Return an estimate of the width so far in the current line. .. versionadded:: 1.6.0 :rtype: int """ return self._width_of_current_line def _escaped(self, text, esc): if esc and self.hasmarkup: text = (''.join(['\x1b[%sm' % cod for cod in esc]) + text +'\x1b[0m') return text def markup(self, text, **kw): esc = [] for name in kw: if name not in self._esctable: raise ValueError("unknown markup: %r" %(name,)) if kw[name]: esc.append(self._esctable[name]) return self._escaped(text, tuple(esc)) def sep(self, sepchar, title=None, fullwidth=None, **kw): if fullwidth is None: fullwidth = self.fullwidth # the goal is to have the line be as long as possible # under the condition that len(line) <= fullwidth if sys.platform == "win32": # if we print in the last column on windows we are on a # new line but there is no way to verify/neutralize this # (we may not know the exact line width) # so let's be defensive to avoid empty lines in the output fullwidth -= 1 if title is not None: # we want 2 + 2*len(fill) + len(title) <= fullwidth # i.e. 2 + 2*len(sepchar)*N + len(title) <= fullwidth # 2*len(sepchar)*N <= fullwidth - len(title) - 2 # N <= (fullwidth - len(title) - 2) // (2*len(sepchar)) N = max((fullwidth - len(title) - 2) // (2*len(sepchar)), 1) fill = sepchar * N line = "%s %s %s" % (fill, title, fill) else: # we want len(sepchar)*N <= fullwidth # i.e. N <= fullwidth // len(sepchar) line = sepchar * (fullwidth // len(sepchar)) # in some situations there is room for an extra sepchar at the right, # in particular if we consider that with a sepchar like "_ " the # trailing space is not important at the end of the line if len(line) + len(sepchar.rstrip()) <= fullwidth: line += sepchar.rstrip() self.line(line, **kw) def write(self, msg, **kw): if msg: if not isinstance(msg, (bytes, text)): msg = text(msg) self._update_chars_on_current_line(msg) if self.hasmarkup and kw: markupmsg = self.markup(msg, **kw) else: markupmsg = msg write_out(self._file, markupmsg) def _update_chars_on_current_line(self, text_or_bytes): newline = b'\n' if isinstance(text_or_bytes, bytes) else '\n' current_line = text_or_bytes.rsplit(newline, 1)[-1] if isinstance(current_line, bytes): current_line = current_line.decode('utf-8', errors='replace') if newline in text_or_bytes: self._chars_on_current_line = len(current_line) self._width_of_current_line = get_line_width(current_line) else: self._chars_on_current_line += len(current_line) self._width_of_current_line += get_line_width(current_line) def line(self, s='', **kw): self.write(s, **kw) self._checkfill(s) self.write('\n') def reline(self, line, **kw): if not self.hasmarkup: raise ValueError("cannot use rewrite-line without terminal") self.write(line, **kw) self._checkfill(line) self.write('\r') self._lastlen = len(line) def _checkfill(self, line): diff2last = self._lastlen - len(line) if diff2last > 0: self.write(" " * diff2last) class Win32ConsoleWriter(TerminalWriter): def write(self, msg, **kw): if msg: if not isinstance(msg, (bytes, text)): msg = text(msg) self._update_chars_on_current_line(msg) oldcolors = None if self.hasmarkup and kw: handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) oldcolors = GetConsoleInfo(handle).wAttributes default_bg = oldcolors & 0x00F0 attr = default_bg if kw.pop('bold', False): attr |= FOREGROUND_INTENSITY if kw.pop('red', False): attr |= FOREGROUND_RED elif kw.pop('blue', False): attr |= FOREGROUND_BLUE elif kw.pop('green', False): attr |= FOREGROUND_GREEN elif kw.pop('yellow', False): attr |= FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_RED else: attr |= oldcolors & 0x0007 SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, attr) write_out(self._file, msg) if oldcolors: SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, oldcolors) class WriteFile(object): def __init__(self, writemethod, encoding=None): self.encoding = encoding self._writemethod = writemethod def write(self, data): if self.encoding: data = data.encode(self.encoding, "replace") self._writemethod(data) def flush(self): return if win32_and_ctypes: TerminalWriter = Win32ConsoleWriter import ctypes from ctypes import wintypes # ctypes access to the Windows console STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11 STD_ERROR_HANDLE = -12 FOREGROUND_BLACK = 0x0000 # black text FOREGROUND_BLUE = 0x0001 # text color contains blue. FOREGROUND_GREEN = 0x0002 # text color contains green. FOREGROUND_RED = 0x0004 # text color contains red. FOREGROUND_WHITE = 0x0007 FOREGROUND_INTENSITY = 0x0008 # text color is intensified. BACKGROUND_BLACK = 0x0000 # background color black BACKGROUND_BLUE = 0x0010 # background color contains blue. BACKGROUND_GREEN = 0x0020 # background color contains green. BACKGROUND_RED = 0x0040 # background color contains red. BACKGROUND_WHITE = 0x0070 BACKGROUND_INTENSITY = 0x0080 # background color is intensified. SHORT = ctypes.c_short class COORD(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('X', SHORT), ('Y', SHORT)] class SMALL_RECT(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('Left', SHORT), ('Top', SHORT), ('Right', SHORT), ('Bottom', SHORT)] class CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('dwSize', COORD), ('dwCursorPosition', COORD), ('wAttributes', wintypes.WORD), ('srWindow', SMALL_RECT), ('dwMaximumWindowSize', COORD)] _GetStdHandle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle _GetStdHandle.argtypes = [wintypes.DWORD] _GetStdHandle.restype = wintypes.HANDLE def GetStdHandle(kind): return _GetStdHandle(kind) SetConsoleTextAttribute = ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute SetConsoleTextAttribute.argtypes = [wintypes.HANDLE, wintypes.WORD] SetConsoleTextAttribute.restype = wintypes.BOOL _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo = \ ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.argtypes = [wintypes.HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO)] _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.restype = wintypes.BOOL def GetConsoleInfo(handle): info = CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO() _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle, ctypes.byref(info)) return info def _getdimensions(): handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) info = GetConsoleInfo(handle) # Substract one from the width, otherwise the cursor wraps # and the ending \n causes an empty line to display. return info.dwSize.Y, info.dwSize.X - 1 def write_out(fil, msg): # XXX sometimes "msg" is of type bytes, sometimes text which # complicates the situation. Should we try to enforce unicode? try: # on py27 and above writing out to sys.stdout with an encoding # should usually work for unicode messages (if the encoding is # capable of it) fil.write(msg) except UnicodeEncodeError: # on py26 it might not work because stdout expects bytes if fil.encoding: try: fil.write(msg.encode(fil.encoding)) except UnicodeEncodeError: # it might still fail if the encoding is not capable pass else: fil.flush() return # fallback: escape all unicode characters msg = msg.encode("unicode-escape").decode("ascii") fil.write(msg) fil.flush()