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2 years ago
"""A kernel manager for multiple kernels"""
# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
import asyncio
import os
import socket
import typing as t
import uuid
import zmq
from traitlets import Any
from traitlets import Bool
from traitlets import default
from traitlets import Dict
from traitlets import DottedObjectName
from traitlets import Instance
from traitlets import observe
from traitlets import Unicode
from traitlets.config.configurable import LoggingConfigurable
from traitlets.utils.importstring import import_item
from .kernelspec import KernelSpecManager
from .kernelspec import NATIVE_KERNEL_NAME
from .manager import KernelManager
from .utils import ensure_async
from .utils import run_sync
class DuplicateKernelError(Exception):
def kernel_method(f: t.Callable) -> t.Callable:
"""decorator for proxying MKM.method(kernel_id) to individual KMs by ID"""
def wrapped(
self: t.Any, kernel_id: str, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
) -> t.Union[t.Callable, t.Awaitable]:
# get the kernel
km = self.get_kernel(kernel_id)
method = getattr(km, f.__name__)
# call the kernel's method
r = method(*args, **kwargs)
# last thing, call anything defined in the actual class method
# such as logging messages
f(self, kernel_id, *args, **kwargs)
# return the method result
return r
return wrapped
class MultiKernelManager(LoggingConfigurable):
"""A class for managing multiple kernels."""
default_kernel_name = Unicode(
NATIVE_KERNEL_NAME, help="The name of the default kernel to start"
kernel_spec_manager = Instance(KernelSpecManager, allow_none=True)
kernel_manager_class = DottedObjectName(
help="""The kernel manager class. This is configurable to allow
subclassing of the KernelManager for customized behavior.
def _kernel_manager_class_changed(self, change):
self.kernel_manager_factory = self._create_kernel_manager_factory()
kernel_manager_factory = Any(help="this is kernel_manager_class after import")
def _kernel_manager_factory_default(self):
return self._create_kernel_manager_factory()
def _create_kernel_manager_factory(self) -> t.Callable:
kernel_manager_ctor = import_item(self.kernel_manager_class)
def create_kernel_manager(*args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> KernelManager:
if self.shared_context:
if self.context.closed:
# recreate context if closed
self.context = self._context_default()
kwargs.setdefault("context", self.context)
km = kernel_manager_ctor(*args, **kwargs)
return km
return create_kernel_manager
shared_context = Bool(
help="Share a single zmq.Context to talk to all my kernels",
context = Instance("zmq.Context")
_created_context = Bool(False)
_pending_kernels = Dict()
def _starting_kernels(self):
"""A shim for backwards compatibility."""
return self._pending_kernels
@default("context") # type:ignore[misc]
def _context_default(self) -> zmq.Context:
self._created_context = True
return zmq.Context()
connection_dir = Unicode("")
_kernels = Dict()
def __del__(self):
"""Handle garbage collection. Destroy context if applicable."""
if self._created_context and self.context and not self.context.closed:
if self.log:
self.log.debug("Destroying zmq context for %s", self)
super_del = super().__del__
except AttributeError:
def list_kernel_ids(self) -> t.List[str]:
"""Return a list of the kernel ids of the active kernels."""
# Create a copy so we can iterate over kernels in operations
# that delete keys.
return list(self._kernels.keys())
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""Return the number of running kernels."""
return len(self.list_kernel_ids())
def __contains__(self, kernel_id: str) -> bool:
return kernel_id in self._kernels
def pre_start_kernel(
self, kernel_name: t.Optional[str], kwargs: t.Any
) -> t.Tuple[KernelManager, str, str]:
# kwargs should be mutable, passing it as a dict argument.
kernel_id = kwargs.pop("kernel_id", self.new_kernel_id(**kwargs))
if kernel_id in self:
raise DuplicateKernelError("Kernel already exists: %s" % kernel_id)
if kernel_name is None:
kernel_name = self.default_kernel_name
# kernel_manager_factory is the constructor for the KernelManager
# subclass we are using. It can be configured as any Configurable,
# including things like its transport and ip.
constructor_kwargs = {}
if self.kernel_spec_manager:
constructor_kwargs["kernel_spec_manager"] = self.kernel_spec_manager
km = self.kernel_manager_factory(
connection_file=os.path.join(self.connection_dir, "kernel-%s.json" % kernel_id),
return km, kernel_name, kernel_id
async def _add_kernel_when_ready(
self, kernel_id: str, km: KernelManager, kernel_awaitable: t.Awaitable
) -> None:
await kernel_awaitable
self._kernels[kernel_id] = km
self._pending_kernels.pop(kernel_id, None)
except Exception as e:
async def _remove_kernel_when_ready(
self, kernel_id: str, kernel_awaitable: t.Awaitable
) -> None:
await kernel_awaitable
self._pending_kernels.pop(kernel_id, None)
except Exception as e:
def _using_pending_kernels(self):
"""Returns a boolean; a clearer method for determining if
this multikernelmanager is using pending kernels or not
return getattr(self, 'use_pending_kernels', False)
async def _async_start_kernel(
self, kernel_name: t.Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: t.Any
) -> str:
"""Start a new kernel.
The caller can pick a kernel_id by passing one in as a keyword arg,
otherwise one will be generated using new_kernel_id().
The kernel ID for the newly started kernel is returned.
km, kernel_name, kernel_id = self.pre_start_kernel(kernel_name, kwargs)
if not isinstance(km, KernelManager):
"Kernel manager class ({km_class}) is not an instance of 'KernelManager'!".format(
kwargs['kernel_id'] = kernel_id # Make kernel_id available to manager and provisioner
starter = ensure_async(km.start_kernel(**kwargs))
task = asyncio.create_task(self._add_kernel_when_ready(kernel_id, km, starter))
self._pending_kernels[kernel_id] = task
# Handling a Pending Kernel
if self._using_pending_kernels():
# If using pending kernels, do not block
# on the kernel start.
self._kernels[kernel_id] = km
await task
# raise an exception if one occurred during kernel startup.
if km.ready.exception():
raise km.ready.exception() # type: ignore
return kernel_id
start_kernel = run_sync(_async_start_kernel)
async def _async_shutdown_kernel(
kernel_id: str,
now: t.Optional[bool] = False,
restart: t.Optional[bool] = False,
) -> None:
"""Shutdown a kernel by its kernel uuid.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel to shutdown.
now : bool
Should the kernel be shutdown forcibly using a signal.
restart : bool
Will the kernel be restarted?
|"Kernel shutdown: %s" % kernel_id)
# If the kernel is still starting, wait for it to be ready.
if kernel_id in self._pending_kernels:
task = self._pending_kernels[kernel_id]
await task
km = self.get_kernel(kernel_id)
await t.cast(asyncio.Future, km.ready)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
except Exception:
km = self.get_kernel(kernel_id)
# If a pending kernel raised an exception, remove it.
if not km.ready.cancelled() and km.ready.exception():
stopper = ensure_async(km.shutdown_kernel(now, restart))
fut = asyncio.ensure_future(self._remove_kernel_when_ready(kernel_id, stopper))
self._pending_kernels[kernel_id] = fut
# Await the kernel if not using pending kernels.
if not self._using_pending_kernels():
await fut
# raise an exception if one occurred during kernel shutdown.
if km.ready.exception():
raise km.ready.exception() # type: ignore
shutdown_kernel = run_sync(_async_shutdown_kernel)
def request_shutdown(self, kernel_id: str, restart: t.Optional[bool] = False) -> None:
"""Ask a kernel to shut down by its kernel uuid"""
def finish_shutdown(
kernel_id: str,
waittime: t.Optional[float] = None,
pollinterval: t.Optional[float] = 0.1,
) -> None:
"""Wait for a kernel to finish shutting down, and kill it if it doesn't"""
|"Kernel shutdown: %s" % kernel_id)
def cleanup_resources(self, kernel_id: str, restart: bool = False) -> None:
"""Clean up a kernel's resources"""
def remove_kernel(self, kernel_id: str) -> KernelManager:
"""remove a kernel from our mapping.
Mainly so that a kernel can be removed if it is already dead,
without having to call shutdown_kernel.
The kernel object is returned, or `None` if not found.
return self._kernels.pop(kernel_id, None)
async def _async_shutdown_all(self, now: bool = False) -> None:
"""Shutdown all kernels."""
kids = self.list_kernel_ids()
kids += list(self._pending_kernels)
kms = list(self._kernels.values())
futs = [ensure_async(self.shutdown_kernel(kid, now=now)) for kid in set(kids)]
await asyncio.gather(*futs)
# If using pending kernels, the kernels will not have been fully shut down.
if self._using_pending_kernels():
for km in kms:
await km.ready
except asyncio.CancelledError:
except Exception:
# Will have been logged in _add_kernel_when_ready
shutdown_all = run_sync(_async_shutdown_all)
def interrupt_kernel(self, kernel_id: str) -> None:
"""Interrupt (SIGINT) the kernel by its uuid.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel to interrupt.
kernel = self.get_kernel(kernel_id)
if not kernel.ready.done():
raise RuntimeError("Kernel is in a pending state. Cannot interrupt.")
out = kernel.interrupt_kernel()
|"Kernel interrupted: %s" % kernel_id)
return out
def signal_kernel(self, kernel_id: str, signum: int) -> None:
"""Sends a signal to the kernel by its uuid.
Note that since only SIGTERM is supported on Windows, this function
is only useful on Unix systems.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel to signal.
signum : int
Signal number to send kernel.
|"Signaled Kernel %s with %s" % (kernel_id, signum))
async def _async_restart_kernel(self, kernel_id: str, now: bool = False) -> None:
"""Restart a kernel by its uuid, keeping the same ports.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel to interrupt.
now : bool, optional
If True, the kernel is forcefully restarted *immediately*, without
having a chance to do any cleanup action. Otherwise the kernel is
given 1s to clean up before a forceful restart is issued.
In all cases the kernel is restarted, the only difference is whether
it is given a chance to perform a clean shutdown or not.
kernel = self.get_kernel(kernel_id)
if self._using_pending_kernels():
if not kernel.ready.done():
raise RuntimeError("Kernel is in a pending state. Cannot restart.")
out = await ensure_async(kernel.restart_kernel(now=now))
|"Kernel restarted: %s" % kernel_id)
return out
restart_kernel = run_sync(_async_restart_kernel)
def is_alive(self, kernel_id: str) -> bool:
"""Is the kernel alive.
This calls KernelManager.is_alive() which calls Popen.poll on the
actual kernel subprocess.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel.
def _check_kernel_id(self, kernel_id: str) -> None:
"""check that a kernel id is valid"""
if kernel_id not in self:
raise KeyError("Kernel with id not found: %s" % kernel_id)
def get_kernel(self, kernel_id: str) -> KernelManager:
"""Get the single KernelManager object for a kernel by its uuid.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel.
return self._kernels[kernel_id]
def add_restart_callback(
self, kernel_id: str, callback: t.Callable, event: str = "restart"
) -> None:
"""add a callback for the KernelRestarter"""
def remove_restart_callback(
self, kernel_id: str, callback: t.Callable, event: str = "restart"
) -> None:
"""remove a callback for the KernelRestarter"""
def get_connection_info(self, kernel_id: str) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
"""Return a dictionary of connection data for a kernel.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel.
connection_dict : dict
A dict of the information needed to connect to a kernel.
This includes the ip address and the integer port
numbers of the different channels (stdin_port, iopub_port,
shell_port, hb_port).
def connect_iopub(self, kernel_id: str, identity: t.Optional[bytes] = None) -> socket.socket:
"""Return a zmq Socket connected to the iopub channel.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel
identity : bytes (optional)
The zmq identity of the socket
stream : zmq Socket or ZMQStream
def connect_shell(self, kernel_id: str, identity: t.Optional[bytes] = None) -> socket.socket:
"""Return a zmq Socket connected to the shell channel.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel
identity : bytes (optional)
The zmq identity of the socket
stream : zmq Socket or ZMQStream
def connect_control(self, kernel_id: str, identity: t.Optional[bytes] = None) -> socket.socket:
"""Return a zmq Socket connected to the control channel.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel
identity : bytes (optional)
The zmq identity of the socket
stream : zmq Socket or ZMQStream
def connect_stdin(self, kernel_id: str, identity: t.Optional[bytes] = None) -> socket.socket:
"""Return a zmq Socket connected to the stdin channel.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel
identity : bytes (optional)
The zmq identity of the socket
stream : zmq Socket or ZMQStream
def connect_hb(self, kernel_id: str, identity: t.Optional[bytes] = None) -> socket.socket:
"""Return a zmq Socket connected to the hb channel.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel
identity : bytes (optional)
The zmq identity of the socket
stream : zmq Socket or ZMQStream
def new_kernel_id(self, **kwargs: t.Any) -> str:
Returns the id to associate with the kernel for this request. Subclasses may override
this method to substitute other sources of kernel ids.
:param kwargs:
:return: string-ized version 4 uuid
return str(uuid.uuid4())
class AsyncMultiKernelManager(MultiKernelManager):
kernel_manager_class = DottedObjectName(
help="""The kernel manager class. This is configurable to allow
subclassing of the AsyncKernelManager for customized behavior.
use_pending_kernels = Bool(
help="""Whether to make kernels available before the process has started. The
kernel has a `.ready` future which can be awaited before connecting""",
start_kernel = MultiKernelManager._async_start_kernel
restart_kernel = MultiKernelManager._async_restart_kernel
shutdown_kernel = MultiKernelManager._async_shutdown_kernel
shutdown_all = MultiKernelManager._async_shutdown_all