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2 years ago
import outcome
import pytest
import time
from .._core.tests.tutil import slow
from .. import _core
from ..testing import assert_checkpoints
from .._timeouts import *
async def check_takes_about(f, expected_dur):
start = time.perf_counter()
result = await outcome.acapture(f)
dur = time.perf_counter() - start
print(dur / expected_dur)
# 1.5 is an arbitrary fudge factor because there's always some delay
# between when we become eligible to wake up and when we actually do. We
# used to sleep for 0.05, and regularly observed overruns of 1.6x on
# Appveyor, and then started seeing overruns of 2.3x on Travis's macOS, so
# now we bumped up the sleep to 1 second, marked the tests as slow, and
# hopefully now the proportional error will be less huge.
# We also also for durations that are a hair shorter than expected. For
# example, here's a run on Windows where a 1.0 second sleep was measured
# to take 0.9999999999999858 seconds:
# I believe that what happened here is that Windows's low clock resolution
# meant that our calls to time.monotonic() returned exactly the same
# values as the calls inside the actual run loop, but the two subtractions
# returned slightly different values because the run loop's clock adds a
# random floating point offset to both times, which should cancel out, but
# lol floating point we got slightly different rounding errors. (That
# value above is exactly 128 ULPs below 1.0, which would make sense if it
# started as a 1 ULP error at a different dynamic range.)
assert (1 - 1e-8) <= (dur / expected_dur) < 1.5
return result.unwrap()
# How long to (attempt to) sleep for when testing. Smaller numbers make the
# test suite go faster.
TARGET = 1.0
async def test_sleep():
async def sleep_1():
await sleep_until(_core.current_time() + TARGET)
await check_takes_about(sleep_1, TARGET)
async def sleep_2():
await sleep(TARGET)
await check_takes_about(sleep_2, TARGET)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
await sleep(-1)
with assert_checkpoints():
await sleep(0)
# This also serves as a test of the trivial move_on_at
with move_on_at(_core.current_time()):
with pytest.raises(_core.Cancelled):
await sleep(0)
async def test_move_on_after():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with move_on_after(-1):
pass # pragma: no cover
async def sleep_3():
with move_on_after(TARGET):
await sleep(100)
await check_takes_about(sleep_3, TARGET)
async def test_fail():
async def sleep_4():
with fail_at(_core.current_time() + TARGET):
await sleep(100)
with pytest.raises(TooSlowError):
await check_takes_about(sleep_4, TARGET)
with fail_at(_core.current_time() + 100):
await sleep(0)
async def sleep_5():
with fail_after(TARGET):
await sleep(100)
with pytest.raises(TooSlowError):
await check_takes_about(sleep_5, TARGET)
with fail_after(100):
await sleep(0)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with fail_after(-1):
pass # pragma: no cover