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2 years ago
import pytest
import attr
from ..testing import assert_checkpoints
from .. import abc as tabc
async def test_AsyncResource_defaults():
class MyAR(tabc.AsyncResource):
record = attr.ib(factory=list)
async def aclose(self):
async with MyAR() as myar:
assert isinstance(myar, MyAR)
assert myar.record == []
assert myar.record == ["ac"]
def test_abc_generics():
# Pythons below 3.5.2 had a typing.Generic that would throw
# errors when instantiating or subclassing a parameterized
# version of a class with any __slots__. This is why RunVar
# (which has slots) is not generic. This tests that
# the generic ABCs are fine, because while they are slotted
# they don't actually define any slots.
class SlottedChannel(tabc.SendChannel[tabc.Stream]):
__slots__ = ("x",)
def send_nowait(self, value):
raise RuntimeError
async def send(self, value):
raise RuntimeError # pragma: no cover
def clone(self):
raise RuntimeError # pragma: no cover
async def aclose(self):
pass # pragma: no cover
channel = SlottedChannel()
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):