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2 years ago
# Generic stream tests
from contextlib import contextmanager
import random
from .. import _core
from .._highlevel_generic import aclose_forcefully
from .._abc import SendStream, ReceiveStream, Stream, HalfCloseableStream
from ._checkpoints import assert_checkpoints
class _ForceCloseBoth:
def __init__(self, both):
self._both = list(both)
async def __aenter__(self):
return self._both
async def __aexit__(self, *args):
await aclose_forcefully(self._both[0])
await aclose_forcefully(self._both[1])
def _assert_raises(exc):
__tracebackhide__ = True
except exc:
raise AssertionError("expected exception: {}".format(exc))
async def check_one_way_stream(stream_maker, clogged_stream_maker):
"""Perform a number of generic tests on a custom one-way stream
stream_maker: An async (!) function which returns a connected
(:class:``, :class:``)
clogged_stream_maker: Either None, or an async function similar to
stream_maker, but with the extra property that the returned stream
is in a state where ``send_all`` and
``wait_send_all_might_not_block`` will block until ``receive_some``
has been called. This allows for more thorough testing of some edge
cases, especially around ``wait_send_all_might_not_block``.
AssertionError: if a test fails.
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await stream_maker()) as (s, r):
assert isinstance(s, SendStream)
assert isinstance(r, ReceiveStream)
async def do_send_all(data):
with assert_checkpoints():
assert await s.send_all(data) is None
async def do_receive_some(*args):
with assert_checkpoints():
return await r.receive_some(*args)
async def checked_receive_1(expected):
assert await do_receive_some(1) == expected
async def do_aclose(resource):
with assert_checkpoints():
await resource.aclose()
# Simple sending/receiving
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(do_send_all, b"x")
nursery.start_soon(checked_receive_1, b"x")
async def send_empty_then_y():
# Streams should tolerate sending b"" without giving it any
# special meaning.
await do_send_all(b"")
await do_send_all(b"y")
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(checked_receive_1, b"y")
# ---- Checking various argument types ----
# send_all accepts bytearray and memoryview
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(do_send_all, bytearray(b"1"))
nursery.start_soon(checked_receive_1, b"1")
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(do_send_all, memoryview(b"2"))
nursery.start_soon(checked_receive_1, b"2")
# max_bytes must be a positive integer
with _assert_raises(ValueError):
await r.receive_some(-1)
with _assert_raises(ValueError):
await r.receive_some(0)
with _assert_raises(TypeError):
await r.receive_some(1.5)
# it can also be missing or None
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(do_send_all, b"x")
assert await do_receive_some() == b"x"
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(do_send_all, b"x")
assert await do_receive_some(None) == b"x"
with _assert_raises(_core.BusyResourceError):
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(do_receive_some, 1)
nursery.start_soon(do_receive_some, 1)
# Method always has to exist, and an empty stream with a blocked
# receive_some should *always* allow send_all. (Technically it's legal
# for send_all to wait until receive_some is called to run, though; a
# stream doesn't *have* to have any internal buffering. That's why we
# start a concurrent receive_some call, then cancel it.)
async def simple_check_wait_send_all_might_not_block(scope):
with assert_checkpoints():
await s.wait_send_all_might_not_block()
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
simple_check_wait_send_all_might_not_block, nursery.cancel_scope
nursery.start_soon(do_receive_some, 1)
# closing the r side leads to BrokenResourceError on the s side
# (eventually)
async def expect_broken_stream_on_send():
with _assert_raises(_core.BrokenResourceError):
while True:
await do_send_all(b"x" * 100)
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(do_aclose, r)
# once detected, the stream stays broken
with _assert_raises(_core.BrokenResourceError):
await do_send_all(b"x" * 100)
# r closed -> ClosedResourceError on the receive side
with _assert_raises(_core.ClosedResourceError):
await do_receive_some(4096)
# we can close the same stream repeatedly, it's fine
await do_aclose(r)
await do_aclose(r)
# closing the sender side
await do_aclose(s)
# now trying to send raises ClosedResourceError
with _assert_raises(_core.ClosedResourceError):
await do_send_all(b"x" * 100)
# even if it's an empty send
with _assert_raises(_core.ClosedResourceError):
await do_send_all(b"")
# ditto for wait_send_all_might_not_block
with _assert_raises(_core.ClosedResourceError):
with assert_checkpoints():
await s.wait_send_all_might_not_block()
# and again, repeated closing is fine
await do_aclose(s)
await do_aclose(s)
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await stream_maker()) as (s, r):
# if send-then-graceful-close, receiver gets data then b""
async def send_then_close():
await do_send_all(b"y")
await do_aclose(s)
async def receive_send_then_close():
# We want to make sure that if the sender closes the stream before
# we read anything, then we still get all the data. But some
# streams might block on the do_send_all call. So we let the
# sender get as far as it can, then we receive.
await _core.wait_all_tasks_blocked()
await checked_receive_1(b"y")
await checked_receive_1(b"")
await do_aclose(r)
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await stream_maker()) as (s, r):
await aclose_forcefully(r)
with _assert_raises(_core.BrokenResourceError):
while True:
await do_send_all(b"x" * 100)
with _assert_raises(_core.ClosedResourceError):
await do_receive_some(4096)
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await stream_maker()) as (s, r):
await aclose_forcefully(s)
with _assert_raises(_core.ClosedResourceError):
await do_send_all(b"123")
# after the sender does a forceful close, the receiver might either
# get BrokenResourceError or a clean b""; either is OK. Not OK would be
# if it freezes, or returns data.
await checked_receive_1(b"")
except _core.BrokenResourceError:
# cancelled aclose still closes
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await stream_maker()) as (s, r):
with _core.CancelScope() as scope:
await r.aclose()
with _core.CancelScope() as scope:
await s.aclose()
with _assert_raises(_core.ClosedResourceError):
await do_send_all(b"123")
with _assert_raises(_core.ClosedResourceError):
await do_receive_some(4096)
# Check that we can still gracefully close a stream after an operation has
# been cancelled. This can be challenging if cancellation can leave the
# stream internals in an inconsistent state, e.g. for
# SSLStream. Unfortunately this test isn't very thorough; the really
# challenging case for something like SSLStream is it gets cancelled
# *while* it's sending data on the underlying, not before. But testing
# that requires some special-case handling of the particular stream setup;
# we can't do it here. Maybe we could do a bit better with
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await stream_maker()) as (s, r):
async def expect_cancelled(afn, *args):
with _assert_raises(_core.Cancelled):
await afn(*args)
with _core.CancelScope() as scope:
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(expect_cancelled, do_send_all, b"x")
nursery.start_soon(expect_cancelled, do_receive_some, 1)
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(do_aclose, s)
nursery.start_soon(do_aclose, r)
# Check that if a task is blocked in receive_some, then closing the
# receive stream causes it to wake up.
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await stream_maker()) as (s, r):
async def receive_expecting_closed():
with _assert_raises(_core.ClosedResourceError):
await r.receive_some(10)
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
await _core.wait_all_tasks_blocked()
await aclose_forcefully(r)
# check wait_send_all_might_not_block, if we can
if clogged_stream_maker is not None:
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await clogged_stream_maker()) as (s, r):
record = []
async def waiter(cancel_scope):
record.append("waiter sleeping")
with assert_checkpoints():
await s.wait_send_all_might_not_block()
record.append("waiter wokeup")
async def receiver():
# give wait_send_all_might_not_block a chance to block
await _core.wait_all_tasks_blocked()
record.append("receiver starting")
while True:
await r.receive_some(16834)
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(waiter, nursery.cancel_scope)
await _core.wait_all_tasks_blocked()
assert record == [
"waiter sleeping",
"receiver starting",
"waiter wokeup",
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await clogged_stream_maker()) as (s, r):
# simultaneous wait_send_all_might_not_block fails
with _assert_raises(_core.BusyResourceError):
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
# and simultaneous send_all and wait_send_all_might_not_block (NB
# this test might destroy the stream b/c we end up cancelling
# send_all and e.g. SSLStream can't handle that, so we have to
# recreate afterwards)
with _assert_raises(_core.BusyResourceError):
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(s.send_all, b"123")
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await clogged_stream_maker()) as (s, r):
# send_all and send_all blocked simultaneously should also raise
# (but again this might destroy the stream)
with _assert_raises(_core.BusyResourceError):
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(s.send_all, b"123")
nursery.start_soon(s.send_all, b"123")
# closing the receiver causes wait_send_all_might_not_block to return,
# with or without an exception
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await clogged_stream_maker()) as (s, r):
async def sender():
with assert_checkpoints():
await s.wait_send_all_might_not_block()
except _core.BrokenResourceError: # pragma: no cover
async def receiver():
await _core.wait_all_tasks_blocked()
await aclose_forcefully(r)
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
# and again with the call starting after the close
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await clogged_stream_maker()) as (s, r):
await aclose_forcefully(r)
with assert_checkpoints():
await s.wait_send_all_might_not_block()
except _core.BrokenResourceError: # pragma: no cover
# Check that if a task is blocked in a send-side method, then closing
# the send stream causes it to wake up.
async def close_soon(s):
await _core.wait_all_tasks_blocked()
await aclose_forcefully(s)
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await clogged_stream_maker()) as (s, r):
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(close_soon, s)
with _assert_raises(_core.ClosedResourceError):
await s.send_all(b"xyzzy")
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await clogged_stream_maker()) as (s, r):
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(close_soon, s)
with _assert_raises(_core.ClosedResourceError):
await s.wait_send_all_might_not_block()
async def check_two_way_stream(stream_maker, clogged_stream_maker):
"""Perform a number of generic tests on a custom two-way stream
This is similar to :func:`check_one_way_stream`, except that the maker
functions are expected to return objects implementing the
:class:`` interface.
This function tests a *superset* of what :func:`check_one_way_stream`
checks if you call this, then you don't need to also call
await check_one_way_stream(stream_maker, clogged_stream_maker)
async def flipped_stream_maker():
return reversed(await stream_maker())
if clogged_stream_maker is not None:
async def flipped_clogged_stream_maker():
return reversed(await clogged_stream_maker())
flipped_clogged_stream_maker = None
await check_one_way_stream(flipped_stream_maker, flipped_clogged_stream_maker)
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await stream_maker()) as (s1, s2):
assert isinstance(s1, Stream)
assert isinstance(s2, Stream)
# Duplex can be a bit tricky, might as well check it as well
r = random.Random(0)
i = r.getrandbits(8 * DUPLEX_TEST_SIZE)
test_data = i.to_bytes(DUPLEX_TEST_SIZE, "little")
async def sender(s, data, seed):
r = random.Random(seed)
m = memoryview(data)
while m:
chunk_size = r.randint(1, CHUNK_SIZE_MAX)
await s.send_all(m[:chunk_size])
m = m[chunk_size:]
async def receiver(s, data, seed):
r = random.Random(seed)
got = bytearray()
while len(got) < len(data):
chunk = await s.receive_some(r.randint(1, CHUNK_SIZE_MAX))
assert chunk
got += chunk
assert got == data
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(sender, s1, test_data, 0)
nursery.start_soon(sender, s2, test_data[::-1], 1)
nursery.start_soon(receiver, s1, test_data[::-1], 2)
nursery.start_soon(receiver, s2, test_data, 3)
async def expect_receive_some_empty():
assert await s2.receive_some(10) == b""
await s2.aclose()
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
async def check_half_closeable_stream(stream_maker, clogged_stream_maker):
"""Perform a number of generic tests on a custom half-closeable stream
This is similar to :func:`check_two_way_stream`, except that the maker
functions are expected to return objects that implement the
:class:`` interface.
This function tests a *superset* of what :func:`check_two_way_stream`
checks if you call this, then you don't need to also call
await check_two_way_stream(stream_maker, clogged_stream_maker)
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await stream_maker()) as (s1, s2):
assert isinstance(s1, HalfCloseableStream)
assert isinstance(s2, HalfCloseableStream)
async def send_x_then_eof(s):
await s.send_all(b"x")
with assert_checkpoints():
await s.send_eof()
async def expect_x_then_eof(r):
await _core.wait_all_tasks_blocked()
assert await r.receive_some(10) == b"x"
assert await r.receive_some(10) == b""
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(send_x_then_eof, s1)
nursery.start_soon(expect_x_then_eof, s2)
# now sending is disallowed
with _assert_raises(_core.ClosedResourceError):
await s1.send_all(b"y")
# but we can do send_eof again
with assert_checkpoints():
await s1.send_eof()
# and we can still send stuff back the other way
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(send_x_then_eof, s2)
nursery.start_soon(expect_x_then_eof, s1)
if clogged_stream_maker is not None:
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await clogged_stream_maker()) as (s1, s2):
# send_all and send_eof simultaneously is not ok
with _assert_raises(_core.BusyResourceError):
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(s1.send_all, b"x")
await _core.wait_all_tasks_blocked()
async with _ForceCloseBoth(await clogged_stream_maker()) as (s1, s2):
# wait_send_all_might_not_block and send_eof simultaneously is not
# ok either
with _assert_raises(_core.BusyResourceError):
async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery:
await _core.wait_all_tasks_blocked()