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2 years ago
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Callable, ContextManager, Generic, IO, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Text, Type, Union
from typing_extensions import Final, Literal
import os
import sys
class _FNMatcher(Generic[AnyStr]):
pattern: AnyStr = ...
def __init__(self, pattern: AnyStr) -> None: ...
def __call__(self, path: local) -> bool: ...
class _Stat:
path: Final[local] = ...
mode: Final[int]
ino: Final[int]
dev: Final[int]
nlink: Final[int]
uid: Final[int]
gid: Final[int]
size: Final[int]
atime: Final[float]
mtime: Final[float]
ctime: Final[float]
atime_ns: Final[int]
mtime_ns: Final[int]
ctime_ns: Final[int]
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8) and sys.platform == "win32":
reparse_tag: Final[int]
blocks: Final[int]
blksize: Final[int]
rdev: Final[int]
flags: Final[int]
gen: Final[int]
birthtime: Final[int]
rsize: Final[int]
creator: Final[int]
type: Final[int]
if sys.platform != 'win32':
def owner(self) -> str: ...
def group(self) -> str: ...
def isdir(self) -> bool: ...
def isfile(self) -> bool: ...
def islink(self) -> bool: ...
if sys.version_info >= (3, 6):
_PathLike = os.PathLike
class _PathLike(Generic[AnyStr]):
def __fspath__(self) -> AnyStr: ...
_PathType = Union[bytes, Text, _PathLike[str], _PathLike[bytes], local]
class local(_PathLike[str]):
class ImportMismatchError(ImportError): ...
sep: Final[str]
strpath: Final[str]
def __init__(self, path: _PathType = ..., expanduser: bool = ...) -> None: ...
def __hash__(self) -> int: ...
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ...
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ...
def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: ...
def __gt__(self, other: object) -> bool: ...
def __add__(self, other: object) -> local: ...
def __cmp__(self, other: object) -> int: ...
def __div__(self, other: _PathType) -> local: ...
def __truediv__(self, other: _PathType) -> local: ...
def __fspath__(self) -> str: ...
def get_temproot(cls) -> local: ...
def make_numbered_dir(
prefix: str = ...,
rootdir: Optional[local] = ...,
keep: Optional[int] = ...,
lock_timeout: int = ...,
) -> local: ...
def mkdtemp(cls, rootdir: Optional[local] = ...) -> local: ...
def sysfind(
name: _PathType,
checker: Optional[Callable[[local], bool]] = ...,
paths: Optional[Iterable[_PathType]] = ...,
) -> Optional[local]: ...
def basename(self) -> str: ...
def dirname(self) -> str: ...
def purebasename(self) -> str: ...
def ext(self) -> str: ...
def as_cwd(self) -> ContextManager[Optional[local]]: ...
def atime(self) -> float: ...
def bestrelpath(self, dest: local) -> str: ...
def chdir(self) -> local: ...
def check(
basename: int = ..., notbasename: int = ...,
basestarts: int = ..., notbasestarts: int = ...,
dir: int = ..., notdir: int = ...,
dotfile: int = ..., notdotfile: int = ...,
endswith: int = ..., notendswith: int = ...,
exists: int = ..., notexists: int = ...,
ext: int = ..., notext: int = ...,
file: int = ..., notfile: int = ...,
fnmatch: int = ..., notfnmatch: int = ...,
link: int = ..., notlink: int = ...,
relto: int = ..., notrelto: int = ...,
) -> bool: ...
def chmod(self, mode: int, rec: Union[int, str, Text, Callable[[local], bool]] = ...) -> None: ...
if sys.platform != 'win32':
def chown(self, user: Union[int, str], group: Union[int, str], rec: int = ...) -> None: ...
def common(self, other: local) -> Optional[local]: ...
def computehash(self, hashtype: str = ..., chunksize: int = ...) -> str: ...
def copy(self, target: local, mode: bool = ..., stat: bool = ...) -> None: ...
def dirpath(self, *args: _PathType, abs: int = ...) -> local: ...
def dump(self, obj: Any, bin: Optional[int] = ...) -> None: ...
def ensure(self, *args: _PathType, dir: int = ...) -> local: ...
def ensure_dir(self, *args: _PathType) -> local: ...
def exists(self) -> bool: ...
def fnmatch(self, pattern: str): _FNMatcher
def isdir(self) -> bool: ...
def isfile(self) -> bool: ...
def islink(self) -> bool: ...
def join(self, *args: _PathType, abs: int = ...) -> local: ...
def listdir(
fil: Optional[Union[str, Text, Callable[[local], bool]]] = ...,
sort: Optional[bool] = ...,
) -> List[local]: ...
def load(self) -> Any: ...
def lstat(self) -> _Stat: ...
def mkdir(self, *args: _PathType) -> local: ...
if sys.platform != 'win32':
def mklinkto(self, oldname: Union[str, local]) -> None: ...
def mksymlinkto(self, value: local, absolute: int = ...) -> None: ...
def move(self, target: local) -> None: ...
def mtime(self) -> float: ...
def new(
drive: str = ...,
dirname: str = ...,
basename: str = ...,
purebasename: str = ...,
ext: str = ...,
) -> local: ...
def open(self, mode: str = ..., ensure: bool = ..., encoding: Optional[str] = ...) -> IO[Any]: ...
def parts(self, reverse: bool = ...) -> List[local]: ...
def pyimport(
modname: Optional[str] = ...,
ensuresyspath: Union[bool, Literal["append", "importlib"]] = ...,
) -> Any: ...
def pypkgpath(self) -> Optional[local]: ...
def read(self, mode: str = ...) -> Union[Text, bytes]: ...
def read_binary(self) -> bytes: ...
def read_text(self, encoding: str) -> Text: ...
def readlines(self, cr: int = ...) -> List[str]: ...
if sys.platform != 'win32':
def readlink(self) -> str: ...
def realpath(self) -> local: ...
def relto(self, relpath: Union[str, local]) -> str: ...
def remove(self, rec: int = ..., ignore_errors: bool = ...) -> None: ...
def rename(self, target: _PathType) -> None: ...
def samefile(self, other: _PathType) -> bool: ...
def setmtime(self, mtime: Optional[float] = ...) -> None: ...
def size(self) -> int: ...
def stat(self, raising: bool = ...) -> _Stat: ...
def sysexec(self, *argv: Any, **popen_opts: Any) -> Text: ...
def visit(
fil: Optional[Union[str, Text, Callable[[local], bool]]] = ...,
rec: Optional[Union[Literal[1, True], str, Text, Callable[[local], bool]]] = ...,
ignore: Type[Exception] = ...,
bf: bool = ...,
sort: bool = ...,
) -> Iterator[local]: ...
def write(self, data: Any, mode: str = ..., ensure: bool = ...) -> None: ...
def write_binary(self, data: bytes, ensure: bool = ...) -> None: ...
def write_text(self, data: Union[str, Text], encoding: str, ensure: bool = ...) -> None: ...
# Untyped types below here.
svnwc: Any
svnurl: Any
SvnAuth: Any