# Gardening This project aims to create digital gardens, a concept where you can cultivate and organize knowledge in a more organic and interconnected way. The system processes markdown files to generate a static HTML website, which can then be served locally for viewing. Additionally, the project supports data compression to optimize storage. ### Prerequisites Python 3.x installed on your machine. ### Steps to Run the Project Clone the Repository: git clone https://git.xpub.nl/poni/gardening.git cd gardening Create a Virtual Environment: python3 -m venv . Activate the Virtual Environment: * On Windows: .\Scripts\activate * On macOS and Linux: source bin/activate Install Dependencies: pip3 install -r dependencies.txt ## Generate the HTML File * Add files you want to show in the digital garden to 'website/content/garden/' * Edit the header and the footer markdown files in 'website/content/misc/' * Edit, if you want, the config.json file to edit the name of the garden and the colors of the website. Then launch: python3 app.py This script reads the 'website/content/garden/' contents, compress media, converts it to HTML, applies styles, and integrates it into a complete HTML structure. Test it running un a Local Server: cd website python3 -m http.server Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:8000 to view your digital garden. ## PUT IT ONLINE! Just add the whole 'website/' folder in your server. Don't you know how to do it? Contact me! i will give you some advice -> poni @ habitattt . it ### Further If you delete some or upload new files from the garden folder, re-run the code and it will update itself. If you want to embed a video or a track from other websites, just copy the embedding options from there and paste it in a .txt file inside the garden folder. This is hyper-beta. Suggestions are really welcomed! Write to -> poni @ habitattt . it