import { line, solidFillPolygon, patternFillPolygon, rectangle, ellipseWithParams, generateEllipseParams, linearPath, arc, patternFillArc, curve, svgPath } from './renderer.js'; import { randomSeed } from './math.js'; import { curveToBezier } from 'points-on-curve/lib/curve-to-bezier.js'; import { pointsOnBezierCurves } from 'points-on-curve'; import { pointsOnPath } from 'points-on-path'; const NOS = 'none'; export class RoughGenerator { constructor(config) { this.defaultOptions = { maxRandomnessOffset: 2, roughness: 1, bowing: 1, stroke: '#000', strokeWidth: 1, curveTightness: 0, curveFitting: 0.95, curveStepCount: 9, fillStyle: 'hachure', fillWeight: -1, hachureAngle: -41, hachureGap: -1, dashOffset: -1, dashGap: -1, zigzagOffset: -1, seed: 0, combineNestedSvgPaths: false, disableMultiStroke: false, disableMultiStrokeFill: false }; this.config = config || {}; if (this.config.options) { this.defaultOptions = this._o(this.config.options); } } static newSeed() { return randomSeed(); } _o(options) { return options ? Object.assign({}, this.defaultOptions, options) : this.defaultOptions; } _d(shape, sets, options) { return { shape, sets: sets || [], options: options || this.defaultOptions }; } line(x1, y1, x2, y2, options) { const o = this._o(options); return this._d('line', [line(x1, y1, x2, y2, o)], o); } rectangle(x, y, width, height, options) { const o = this._o(options); const paths = []; const outline = rectangle(x, y, width, height, o); if (o.fill) { const points = [[x, y], [x + width, y], [x + width, y + height], [x, y + height]]; if (o.fillStyle === 'solid') { paths.push(solidFillPolygon(points, o)); } else { paths.push(patternFillPolygon(points, o)); } } if (o.stroke !== NOS) { paths.push(outline); } return this._d('rectangle', paths, o); } ellipse(x, y, width, height, options) { const o = this._o(options); const paths = []; const ellipseParams = generateEllipseParams(width, height, o); const ellipseResponse = ellipseWithParams(x, y, o, ellipseParams); if (o.fill) { if (o.fillStyle === 'solid') { const shape = ellipseWithParams(x, y, o, ellipseParams).opset; shape.type = 'fillPath'; paths.push(shape); } else { paths.push(patternFillPolygon(ellipseResponse.estimatedPoints, o)); } } if (o.stroke !== NOS) { paths.push(ellipseResponse.opset); } return this._d('ellipse', paths, o); } circle(x, y, diameter, options) { const ret = this.ellipse(x, y, diameter, diameter, options); ret.shape = 'circle'; return ret; } linearPath(points, options) { const o = this._o(options); return this._d('linearPath', [linearPath(points, false, o)], o); } arc(x, y, width, height, start, stop, closed = false, options) { const o = this._o(options); const paths = []; const outline = arc(x, y, width, height, start, stop, closed, true, o); if (closed && o.fill) { if (o.fillStyle === 'solid') { const shape = arc(x, y, width, height, start, stop, true, false, o); shape.type = 'fillPath'; paths.push(shape); } else { paths.push(patternFillArc(x, y, width, height, start, stop, o)); } } if (o.stroke !== NOS) { paths.push(outline); } return this._d('arc', paths, o); } curve(points, options) { const o = this._o(options); const paths = []; const outline = curve(points, o); if (o.fill && o.fill !== NOS && points.length >= 3) { const bcurve = curveToBezier(points); const polyPoints = pointsOnBezierCurves(bcurve, 10, (1 + o.roughness) / 2); if (o.fillStyle === 'solid') { paths.push(solidFillPolygon(polyPoints, o)); } else { paths.push(patternFillPolygon(polyPoints, o)); } } if (o.stroke !== NOS) { paths.push(outline); } return this._d('curve', paths, o); } polygon(points, options) { const o = this._o(options); const paths = []; const outline = linearPath(points, true, o); if (o.fill) { if (o.fillStyle === 'solid') { paths.push(solidFillPolygon(points, o)); } else { paths.push(patternFillPolygon(points, o)); } } if (o.stroke !== NOS) { paths.push(outline); } return this._d('polygon', paths, o); } path(d, options) { const o = this._o(options); const paths = []; if (!d) { return this._d('path', paths, o); } d = (d || '').replace(/\n/g, ' ').replace(/(-\s)/g, '-').replace('/(\s\s)/g', ' '); const hasFill = o.fill && o.fill !== 'transparent' && o.fill !== NOS; const hasStroke = o.stroke !== NOS; const simplified = !!(o.simplification && (o.simplification < 1)); const distance = simplified ? (4 - 4 * (o.simplification)) : ((1 + o.roughness) / 2); const sets = pointsOnPath(d, 1, distance); if (hasFill) { if (o.combineNestedSvgPaths) { const combined = []; sets.forEach((set) => combined.push(...set)); if (o.fillStyle === 'solid') { paths.push(solidFillPolygon(combined, o)); } else { paths.push(patternFillPolygon(combined, o)); } } else { sets.forEach((polyPoints) => { if (o.fillStyle === 'solid') { paths.push(solidFillPolygon(polyPoints, o)); } else { paths.push(patternFillPolygon(polyPoints, o)); } }); } } if (hasStroke) { if (simplified) { sets.forEach((set) => { paths.push(linearPath(set, false, o)); }); } else { paths.push(svgPath(d, o)); } } return this._d('path', paths, o); } opsToPath(drawing) { let path = ''; for (const item of drawing.ops) { const data =; switch (item.op) { case 'move': path += `M${data[0]} ${data[1]} `; break; case 'bcurveTo': path += `C${data[0]} ${data[1]}, ${data[2]} ${data[3]}, ${data[4]} ${data[5]} `; break; case 'lineTo': path += `L${data[0]} ${data[1]} `; break; } } return path.trim(); } toPaths(drawable) { const sets = drawable.sets || []; const o = drawable.options || this.defaultOptions; const paths = []; for (const drawing of sets) { let path = null; switch (drawing.type) { case 'path': path = { d: this.opsToPath(drawing), stroke: o.stroke, strokeWidth: o.strokeWidth, fill: NOS }; break; case 'fillPath': path = { d: this.opsToPath(drawing), stroke: NOS, strokeWidth: 0, fill: o.fill || NOS }; break; case 'fillSketch': path = this.fillSketch(drawing, o); break; } if (path) { paths.push(path); } } return paths; } fillSketch(drawing, o) { let fweight = o.fillWeight; if (fweight < 0) { fweight = o.strokeWidth / 2; } return { d: this.opsToPath(drawing), stroke: o.fill || NOS, strokeWidth: fweight, fill: NOS }; } }