You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<div class="popup" id="instruction">dai è semplice, prova</div>
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<div class="popup" id="info">{{stack|safe}}</div>
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{% for key in data %}
<li><a href="#{{key}}">{{key}}</a></li>
{% for z in data[key][box]%}
<li><a href="{{rut}}{{key}}/{{box}}/{{z}}" download>{{z}}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% for z in data[key][box]%}
<li><a href="{{rut}}{{key}}/{{showbar}}/{{z}}" download>{{z}}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<li><a href="#(DE)Tour">(DE)Tour</a></li>
{% for key in dataDetour %}
{% for z in dataDetour[key][box]%}
<li><a href="{{rutDetour}}{{key}}/{{box}}/{{z}}" download>{{z}}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% for z in dataDetour[key][box]%}
<li><a href="{{rutDetour}}{{key}}/{{showbar}}/{{z}}" download>{{z}}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
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<div class="box (DE)Tour" id="(DE)Tour">
{% for key in dataDetour %}
{% for z in dataDetour[key][box]%}
{% if z.endswith("jpg") or z.endswith("jpeg") or z.endswith("png") or z.endswith("JPG") or z.endswith("JPEG") %}
<img src="{{rutDetour}}{{key}}/{{box}}/{{z}}">
{% elif z.endswith("tif")%}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for key in data %}
<div class="container">
<input class="selector2print" type="checkbox" name="test" form="2print" value="{{key}}">
<input class="sliderLayout" id="{{key}}L" type="range" name="{{key}}" form="2print" min="0" max="4" value="0" oninput="layout(this.value,">
<div class="showbar {{key}}">
{% for z in data[key][showbar]%}
{% if z.endswith("jpg") or z.endswith("jpeg") or z.endswith("png") or z.endswith("JPG") or z.endswith("JPEG") %}
<img src="{{rut}}{{key}}/{{showbar}}/{{z}}">
{% elif z.endswith("tif")%}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="box {{key}}" id="{{key}}">
{% for z in data[key][box]%}
{% if z.endswith("jpg") or z.endswith("jpeg") or z.endswith("png") or z.endswith("JPG") or z.endswith("JPEG") %}
<img src="{{rut}}{{key}}/{{box}}/{{z}}">
{% elif z.endswith("tif")%}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<span class="title">{{key}}</span>
{% endfor %}
var container = [...document.getElementsByClassName("container")]
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if (localStorage.getItem("slider")){
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slider = storedValue
document.querySelector(".showbar.Commensality").style.display = "block"
else {
slider = 75
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document.querySelector(".slider input").value = slider
function scivolo(value) {
localStorage.setItem('slider', value)
// console.log(value)
showbar.forEach(bar => { = (100 - value) + '%'
container.forEach(current => { = value + '%';
function layout(val,which){
let currentClass = " containers"+val
let currentEl = which.slice(0, which.length - 1)
document.getElementById(currentEl).className = currentClass + ' box ' + currentEl
localStorage.setItem(currentEl, currentClass + ' box ' + currentEl)
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