You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

53 lines
2.3 KiB

from mastodon import Mastodon
from pprint import pprint
import time
import datetime
#toots id and instances position refer to same post
#toot_id[0] goes with instances[0]
# IMPORTANT: Ensure the order of elements in toot_id and instances
# Are the same as the order of the tokens tokens.txt
toot_id = [101767654564328802, 101767613341391125]
instances = ["", ""]
# ok, estou a ver o problem. Cada token correspond a uma instancia
# de forma mas ter que ter a mesma order de instances na lista e de tokens em token.txt
# para isso podemos usar enumerate() no for loop
# utilizando a variavel n (numero da iteração) para determinar qual dos items de instances,
# é a instance de aquele token
# Outro problem: token.readlines() acrescenta um line break ao token: \n
# deforma the of temos que remove em access_token=token_line.replace('\n','')
#toots token order is also the same
#toot_id[0] goes with instances[0] and now goes with line nr1 from txt file
with open('token.txt', 'r') as token:
for n, token_line in enumerate(token.readlines()):
base_url = instances[n]
print(token_line, base_url)
# token_line é uma das linhas de token.txt
# como a les em token.readlines() n precisas de ler outra ver
# e podes usar apenas a var token_line
mastodon = Mastodon(access_token=token_line.replace('\n', ''),
toot_id_current = toot_id[n]
status = mastodon.status_context(id=(toot_id_current))
descendants = mastodon.status_context(id=(toot_id_current))["descendants"]
for answer in descendants:
# geral = mastodon.status(answer["id"]))
avatar = mastodon.status(answer["id"])['account']['avatar']
name = mastodon.status(answer["id"])['account']['display_name']
bot = mastodon.status(answer["id"])['account']['bot']
content = mastodon.status(answer["id"])['content']
pprint("Avatar:" + "\n" + str(avatar) + "\n" + "\n")
pprint("Name:" + "\n" + str(name) + "\n" + "\n")
pprint("Bot:" + "\n" + str(bot) + "\n" + "\n")
pprint("Content:" + "\n" + str(content) + "\n" + "\n")