#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import re import sys import os import glob import traceback import importlib from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import timedelta from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool from multiprocessing import cpu_count from gevent._util import Lazy from . import util from .resources import parse_resources from .resources import setup_resources from .resources import unparse_resources from .sysinfo import RUNNING_ON_CI from .sysinfo import PYPY from .sysinfo import PY2 from .sysinfo import RESOLVER_ARES from .sysinfo import RUN_LEAKCHECKS from .sysinfo import OSX from . import six from . import travis # Import this while we're probably single-threaded/single-processed # to try to avoid issues with PyPy 5.10. # See https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/issues/2769/systemerror-unexpected-internal-exception try: __import__('_testcapi') except (ImportError, OSError, IOError): # This can raise a wide variety of errors pass TIMEOUT = 100 # seconds AVAIL_NWORKERS = cpu_count() - 1 DEFAULT_NWORKERS = int(os.environ.get('NWORKERS') or max(AVAIL_NWORKERS, 4)) if DEFAULT_NWORKERS > 15: DEFAULT_NWORKERS = 10 if RUN_LEAKCHECKS: # Capturing the stats takes time, and we run each # test at least twice TIMEOUT = 200 DEFAULT_RUN_OPTIONS = { 'timeout': TIMEOUT } if RUNNING_ON_CI: # Too many and we get spurious timeouts DEFAULT_NWORKERS = 4 if not OSX else 2 def _package_relative_filename(filename, package): if not os.path.isfile(filename) and package: # Ok, try to locate it as a module in the package package_dir = _dir_from_package_name(package) return os.path.join(package_dir, filename) return filename def _dir_from_package_name(package): package_mod = importlib.import_module(package) package_dir = os.path.dirname(package_mod.__file__) return package_dir class ResultCollector(object): def __init__(self): self.total = 0 self.failed = {} self.passed = {} self.total_cases = 0 self.total_skipped = 0 def __iadd__(self, result): if not result: self.failed[result.name] = result #[cmd, kwargs] else: self.passed[result.name] = True self.total_cases += result.run_count self.total_skipped += result.skipped_count return self class Runner(object): TIME_WAIT_REAP = 0.1 TIME_WAIT_SPAWN = 0.05 def __init__(self, tests, configured_failing_tests=(), failfast=False, quiet=False, configured_run_alone_tests=(), worker_count=DEFAULT_NWORKERS): """ :keyword quiet: Set to True or False to explicitly choose. Set to `None` to use the default, which may come from the environment variable ``GEVENTTEST_QUIET``. """ self._tests = tests self._configured_failing_tests = configured_failing_tests self._failfast = failfast self._quiet = quiet self._configured_run_alone_tests = configured_run_alone_tests self.results = ResultCollector() self.results.total = len(self._tests) self._running_jobs = [] self._worker_count = min(len(tests), worker_count) or 1 def _run_one(self, cmd, **kwargs): if self._quiet is not None: kwargs['quiet'] = self._quiet result = util.run(cmd, **kwargs) if not result and self._failfast: sys.exit(1) self.results += result def _reap(self): "Clean up the list of running jobs, returning how many are still outstanding." for r in self._running_jobs[:]: if not r.ready(): continue if r.successful(): self._running_jobs.remove(r) else: r.get() sys.exit('Internal error in testrunner.py: %r' % (r, )) return len(self._running_jobs) def _reap_all(self): while self._reap() > 0: util.sleep(self.TIME_WAIT_REAP) def _spawn(self, pool, cmd, options): while True: if self._reap() < self._worker_count: job = pool.apply_async(self._run_one, (cmd, ), options or {}) self._running_jobs.append(job) return util.sleep(self.TIME_WAIT_SPAWN) def __call__(self): util.log("Running tests in parallel with concurrency %s %s." % ( self._worker_count, util._colorize('number', '(concurrency available: %d)' % AVAIL_NWORKERS) ),) # Setting global state, in theory we can be used multiple times. # This is fine as long as we are single threaded and call these # sequentially. util.BUFFER_OUTPUT = self._worker_count > 1 or self._quiet start = util.perf_counter() try: self._run_tests() except KeyboardInterrupt: self._report(util.perf_counter() - start, exit=False) util.log('(partial results)\n') raise except: traceback.print_exc() raise self._reap_all() self._report(util.perf_counter() - start, exit=True) def _run_tests(self): "Runs the tests, produces no report." run_alone = [] tests = self._tests pool = ThreadPool(self._worker_count) try: for cmd, options in tests: options = options or {} if matches(self._configured_run_alone_tests, cmd): run_alone.append((cmd, options)) else: self._spawn(pool, cmd, options) pool.close() pool.join() if run_alone: util.log("Running tests marked standalone") for cmd, options in run_alone: self._run_one(cmd, **options) except KeyboardInterrupt: try: util.log('Waiting for currently running to finish...') self._reap_all() except KeyboardInterrupt: pool.terminate() raise except: pool.terminate() raise def _report(self, elapsed_time, exit=False): results = self.results report( results.total, results.failed, results.passed, exit=exit, took=elapsed_time, configured_failing_tests=self._configured_failing_tests, total_cases=results.total_cases, total_skipped=results.total_skipped ) class TravisFoldingRunner(object): def __init__(self, runner, travis_fold_msg): self._runner = runner self._travis_fold_msg = travis_fold_msg self._travis_fold_name = str(int(util.perf_counter())) # A zope-style acquisition proxy would be convenient here. run_tests = runner._run_tests def _run_tests(): self._begin_fold() try: run_tests() finally: self._end_fold() runner._run_tests = _run_tests def _begin_fold(self): travis.fold_start(self._travis_fold_name, self._travis_fold_msg) def _end_fold(self): travis.fold_end(self._travis_fold_name) def __call__(self): return self._runner() class Discovery(object): package_dir = None package = None def __init__( self, tests=None, ignore_files=None, ignored=(), coverage=False, package=None, config=None, ): self.config = config or {} self.ignore = set(ignored or ()) self.tests = tests self.configured_test_options = config.get('TEST_FILE_OPTIONS', set()) if ignore_files: ignore_files = ignore_files.split(',') for f in ignore_files: self.ignore.update(set(load_list_from_file(f, package))) if coverage: self.ignore.update(config.get('IGNORE_COVERAGE', set())) if package: self.package = package self.package_dir = _dir_from_package_name(package) class Discovered(object): def __init__(self, package, configured_test_options, ignore, config): self.orig_dir = os.getcwd() self.configured_run_alone = config['RUN_ALONE'] self.configured_failing_tests = config['FAILING_TESTS'] self.package = package self.configured_test_options = configured_test_options self.ignore = ignore self.to_import = [] self.std_monkey_patch_files = [] self.no_monkey_patch_files = [] self.commands = [] @staticmethod def __makes_simple_monkey_patch( contents, _patch_present=re.compile(br'[^#].*patch_all\(\)'), _patch_indented=re.compile(br' .*patch_all\(\)') ): return ( # A non-commented patch_all() call is present bool(_patch_present.search(contents)) # that is not indented (because that implies its not at the top-level, # so some preconditions are being set) and not _patch_indented.search(contents) ) @staticmethod def __file_allows_monkey_combine(contents): return b'testrunner-no-monkey-combine' not in contents @staticmethod def __file_allows_combine(contents): return b'testrunner-no-combine' not in contents @staticmethod def __calls_unittest_main_toplevel( contents, _greentest_main=re.compile(br' greentest.main\(\)'), _unittest_main=re.compile(br' unittest.main\(\)'), _import_main=re.compile(br'from gevent.testing import.*main'), _main=re.compile(br' main\(\)'), ): # TODO: Add a check that this comes in a line directly after # if __name__ == __main__. return ( _greentest_main.search(contents) or _unittest_main.search(contents) or (_import_main.search(contents) and _main.search(contents)) ) def __has_config(self, filename): return ( RUN_LEAKCHECKS or filename in self.configured_test_options or filename in self.configured_run_alone or matches(self.configured_failing_tests, filename) ) def __can_monkey_combine(self, filename, contents): return ( not self.__has_config(filename) and self.__makes_simple_monkey_patch(contents) and self.__file_allows_monkey_combine(contents) and self.__file_allows_combine(contents) and self.__calls_unittest_main_toplevel(contents) ) @staticmethod def __makes_no_monkey_patch(contents, _patch_present=re.compile(br'[^#].*patch_\w*\(')): return not _patch_present.search(contents) def __can_nonmonkey_combine(self, filename, contents): return ( not self.__has_config(filename) and self.__makes_no_monkey_patch(contents) and self.__file_allows_combine(contents) and self.__calls_unittest_main_toplevel(contents) ) def __begin_command(self): cmd = [sys.executable, '-u'] if PYPY and PY2: # Doesn't seem to be an env var for this cmd.extend(('-X', 'track-resources')) return cmd def __add_test(self, qualified_name, filename, contents): if b'TESTRUNNER' in contents: # test__monkey_patching.py # XXX: Rework this to avoid importing. # XXX: Rework this to allow test combining (it could write the files out and return # them directly; we would use 'python -m gevent.monkey --module unittest ...) self.to_import.append(qualified_name) elif self.__can_monkey_combine(filename, contents): self.std_monkey_patch_files.append(qualified_name if self.package else filename) elif self.__can_nonmonkey_combine(filename, contents): self.no_monkey_patch_files.append(qualified_name if self.package else filename) else: # XXX: For simple python module tests, try this with # `runpy.run_module`, very similar to the way we run # things for monkey patching. The idea here is that we # can perform setup ahead of time (e.g., # setup_resources()) in each test without having to do # it manually or force calls or modifications to those # tests. cmd = self.__begin_command() if self.package: # Using a package is the best way to work with coverage 5 # when we specify 'source = ' cmd.append('-m' + qualified_name) else: cmd.append(filename) options = DEFAULT_RUN_OPTIONS.copy() options.update(self.configured_test_options.get(filename, {})) self.commands.append((cmd, options)) @staticmethod def __remove_options(lst): return [x for x in lst if x and not x.startswith('-')] def __expand_imports(self): for qualified_name in self.to_import: module = importlib.import_module(qualified_name) for cmd, options in module.TESTRUNNER(): if self.__remove_options(cmd)[-1] in self.ignore: continue self.commands.append((cmd, options)) del self.to_import[:] def __combine_commands(self, files, group_size=5): if not files: return from itertools import groupby cnt = [0, 0] def make_group(_): if cnt[0] > group_size: cnt[0] = 0 cnt[1] += 1 cnt[0] += 1 return cnt[1] for _, group in groupby(files, make_group): cmd = self.__begin_command() cmd.append('-m') cmd.append('unittest') # cmd.append('-v') for name in group: cmd.append(name) self.commands.insert(0, (cmd, DEFAULT_RUN_OPTIONS.copy())) del files[:] def visit_file(self, filename): # Support either 'gevent.tests.foo' or 'gevent/tests/foo.py' if filename.startswith('gevent.tests'): # XXX: How does this interact with 'package'? Probably not well qualified_name = module_name = filename filename = filename[len('gevent.tests') + 1:] filename = filename.replace('.', os.sep) + '.py' else: module_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] qualified_name = self.package + '.' + module_name if self.package else module_name with open(os.path.abspath(filename), 'rb') as f: # Some of the test files (e.g., test__socket_dns) are # UTF8 encoded. Depending on the environment, Python 3 may # try to decode those as ASCII, which fails with UnicodeDecodeError. # Thus, be sure to open and compare in binary mode. # Open the absolute path to make errors more clear, # but we can't store the absolute path, our configuration is based on # relative file names. contents = f.read() self.__add_test(qualified_name, filename, contents) def visit_files(self, filenames): for filename in filenames: self.visit_file(filename) with Discovery._in_dir(self.orig_dir): self.__expand_imports() self.__combine_commands(self.std_monkey_patch_files) self.__combine_commands(self.no_monkey_patch_files) @staticmethod @contextmanager def _in_dir(package_dir): olddir = os.getcwd() if package_dir: os.chdir(package_dir) try: yield finally: os.chdir(olddir) @Lazy def discovered(self): tests = self.tests discovered = self.Discovered(self.package, self.configured_test_options, self.ignore, self.config) # We need to glob relative names, our config is based on filenames still with self._in_dir(self.package_dir): if not tests: tests = set(glob.glob('test_*.py')) - set(['test_support.py']) else: tests = set(tests) if self.ignore: # Always ignore the designated list, even if tests # were specified on the command line. This fixes a # nasty interaction with # test__threading_vs_settrace.py being run under # coverage when 'grep -l subprocess test*py' is used # to list the tests to run. tests -= self.ignore tests = sorted(tests) discovered.visit_files(tests) return discovered def __iter__(self): return iter(self.discovered.commands) # pylint:disable=no-member def __len__(self): return len(self.discovered.commands) # pylint:disable=no-member def load_list_from_file(filename, package): result = [] if filename: with open(_package_relative_filename(filename, package)) as f: for x in f: x = x.split('#', 1)[0].strip() if x: result.append(x) return result def matches(possibilities, command, include_flaky=True): if isinstance(command, list): command = ' '.join(command) for line in possibilities: if not include_flaky and line.startswith('FLAKY '): continue line = line.replace('FLAKY ', '') # Our configs are still mostly written in terms of file names, # but the non-monkey tests are now using package names. # Strip off '.py' from filenames to see if we match a module. # XXX: This could be much better. Our command needs better structure. if command.endswith(' ' + line) or command.endswith(line.replace(".py", '')): return True if ' ' not in command and command == line: return True return False def format_seconds(seconds): if seconds < 20: return '%.1fs' % seconds seconds = str(timedelta(seconds=round(seconds))) if seconds.startswith('0:'): seconds = seconds[2:] return seconds def report(total, failed, passed, exit=True, took=None, configured_failing_tests=(), total_cases=0, total_skipped=0): # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin,too-many-branches,too-many-locals runtimelog = util.runtimelog # XXX: Global state! if runtimelog: util.log('\nLongest-running tests:') runtimelog.sort() length = len('%.1f' % -runtimelog[0][0]) frmt = '%' + str(length) + '.1f seconds: %s' for delta, name in runtimelog[:5]: util.log(frmt, -delta, name) if took: took = ' in %s' % format_seconds(took) else: took = '' failed_expected = [] failed_unexpected = [] passed_unexpected = [] for name in passed: if matches(configured_failing_tests, name, include_flaky=False): passed_unexpected.append(name) if passed_unexpected: util.log('\n%s/%s unexpected passes', len(passed_unexpected), total, color='error') print_list(passed_unexpected) if failed: util.log('\n%s/%s tests failed%s', len(failed), total, took, color='warning') for name in failed: if matches(configured_failing_tests, name, include_flaky=True): failed_expected.append(name) else: failed_unexpected.append(name) if failed_expected: util.log('\n%s/%s expected failures', len(failed_expected), total, color='warning') print_list(failed_expected) if failed_unexpected: util.log('\n%s/%s unexpected failures', len(failed_unexpected), total, color='error') print_list(failed_unexpected) util.log( '\nRan %s tests%s in %s files%s', total_cases, util._colorize('skipped', " (skipped=%d)" % total_skipped) if total_skipped else '', total, took, ) if exit: if failed_unexpected: sys.exit(min(100, len(failed_unexpected))) if passed_unexpected: sys.exit(101) if total <= 0: sys.exit('No tests found.') def print_list(lst): for name in lst: util.log(' - %s', name) def _setup_environ(debug=False): if ('PYTHONWARNINGS' not in os.environ and (not sys.warnoptions # Python 3.7 goes from [] to ['default'] for nothing or sys.warnoptions == ['default'])): # action:message:category:module:line os.environ['PYTHONWARNINGS'] = ','.join([ # Enable default warnings such as ResourceWarning. 'default', # On Python 3[.6], the system site.py module has # "open(fullname, 'rU')" which produces the warning that # 'U' is deprecated, so ignore warnings from site.py 'ignore:::site:', # pkgutil on Python 2 complains about missing __init__.py 'ignore:::pkgutil', # importlib/_bootstrap.py likes to spit out "ImportWarning: # can't resolve package from __spec__ or __package__, falling # back on __name__ and __path__". I have no idea what that means, but it seems harmless # and is annoying. 'ignore:::importlib._bootstrap:', 'ignore:::importlib._bootstrap_external:', # importing ABCs from collections, not collections.abc 'ignore:::pkg_resources._vendor.pyparsing:', 'ignore:::dns.namedict:', # dns.hash itself is being deprecated, importing it raises the warning; # we don't import it, but dnspython still does 'ignore:::dns.hash:', ]) if 'PYTHONFAULTHANDLER' not in os.environ: os.environ['PYTHONFAULTHANDLER'] = 'true' if 'GEVENT_DEBUG' not in os.environ and debug: os.environ['GEVENT_DEBUG'] = 'debug' if 'PYTHONTRACEMALLOC' not in os.environ and debug: # This slows the tests down quite a bit. Reserve # for debugging. os.environ['PYTHONTRACEMALLOC'] = '10' if 'PYTHONDEVMODE' not in os.environ: # Python 3.7 and above. os.environ['PYTHONDEVMODE'] = '1' if 'PYTHONMALLOC' not in os.environ and debug: # Python 3.6 and above. # This slows the tests down some, but # can detect memory corruption. Unfortunately # it can also be flaky, especially in pre-release # versions of Python (e.g., lots of crashes on Python 3.8b4). os.environ['PYTHONMALLOC'] = 'debug' if sys.version_info.releaselevel != 'final' and not debug: os.environ['PYTHONMALLOC'] = 'default' os.environ['PYTHONDEVMODE'] = '' def main(): # pylint:disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--ignore') parser.add_argument('--discover', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--full', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--config', default='known_failures.py') parser.add_argument('--failfast', action='store_true') parser.add_argument("--coverage", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--quiet", action="store_true", default=True) parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_false", dest='quiet') parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("--package", default="gevent.tests") parser.add_argument( "--processes", "-j", default=DEFAULT_NWORKERS, type=int, help="Use up to the given number of parallel processes to execute tests. " "Defaults to %(default)s." ) parser.add_argument('-u', '--use', metavar='RES1,RES2,...', action='store', type=parse_resources, help='specify which special resource intensive tests ' 'to run. "all" is the default; "none" may also be used. ' 'Disable individual resources with a leading -.' 'For example, "-u-network". GEVENTTEST_USE_RESOURCES is used ' 'if no argument is given. To only use one resources, specify ' '"-unone,resource".') parser.add_argument("--travis-fold", metavar="MSG", help="Emit Travis CI log fold markers around the output.") parser.add_argument('tests', nargs='*') options = parser.parse_args() # options.use will be either None for not given, or a list # of the last specified -u argument. # If not given, use the default, which we'll take from the environment, if set. options.use = list(set(parse_resources() if options.use is None else options.use)) # Whether or not it came from the environment, put it in the # environment now. os.environ['GEVENTTEST_USE_RESOURCES'] = unparse_resources(options.use) setup_resources(options.use) # Set this before any test imports in case of 'from .util import QUIET'; # not that this matters much because we spawn tests in subprocesses, # it's the environment setting that matters util.QUIET = options.quiet if 'GEVENTTEST_QUIET' not in os.environ: os.environ['GEVENTTEST_QUIET'] = str(options.quiet) FAILING_TESTS = [] IGNORED_TESTS = [] RUN_ALONE = [] coverage = False if options.coverage or os.environ.get("GEVENTTEST_COVERAGE"): if PYPY and RUNNING_ON_CI: print("Ignoring coverage option on PyPy on CI; slow") else: coverage = True cov_config = os.environ['COVERAGE_PROCESS_START'] = os.path.abspath(".coveragerc") if PYPY: cov_config = os.environ['COVERAGE_PROCESS_START'] = os.path.abspath(".coveragerc-pypy") this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) site_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, 'coveragesite') site_dir = os.path.abspath(site_dir) os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = site_dir + os.pathsep + os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", "") # We change directory often, use an absolute path to keep all the # coverage files (which will have distinct suffixes because of parallel=true in .coveragerc # in this directory; makes them easier to combine and use with coverage report) os.environ['COVERAGE_FILE'] = os.path.abspath(".") + os.sep + ".coverage" print("Enabling coverage to", os.environ['COVERAGE_FILE'], "with site", site_dir, "and configuration file", cov_config) assert os.path.exists(cov_config) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(site_dir, 'sitecustomize.py')) _setup_environ(debug=options.debug) if options.config: config = {} options.config = _package_relative_filename(options.config, options.package) with open(options.config) as f: config_data = f.read() six.exec_(config_data, config) FAILING_TESTS = config['FAILING_TESTS'] IGNORED_TESTS = config['IGNORED_TESTS'] RUN_ALONE = config['RUN_ALONE'] tests = Discovery( options.tests, ignore_files=options.ignore, ignored=IGNORED_TESTS, coverage=coverage, package=options.package, config=config, ) if options.discover: for cmd, options in tests: print(util.getname(cmd, env=options.get('env'), setenv=options.get('setenv'))) print('%s tests found.' % len(tests)) else: if PYPY and RESOLVER_ARES: # XXX: Add a way to force these. print("Not running tests on pypy with c-ares; not a supported configuration") return if options.package: # Put this directory on the path so relative imports work. package_dir = _dir_from_package_name(options.package) os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', "") + os.pathsep + package_dir runner = Runner( tests, configured_failing_tests=FAILING_TESTS, failfast=options.failfast, quiet=options.quiet, configured_run_alone_tests=RUN_ALONE, worker_count=options.processes, ) if options.travis_fold: runner = TravisFoldingRunner(runner, options.travis_fold) runner() if __name__ == '__main__': main()