import re from sqlalchemy import __version__ from sqlalchemy import inspect from sqlalchemy import schema from sqlalchemy import sql from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles from sqlalchemy.schema import CheckConstraint from sqlalchemy.schema import Column from sqlalchemy.schema import ForeignKeyConstraint from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import quoted_name from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import _BindParamClause from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import _TextClause as TextClause from sqlalchemy.sql.visitors import traverse from . import compat def _safe_int(value): try: return int(value) except: return value _vers = tuple( [_safe_int(x) for x in re.findall(r"(\d+|[abc]\d)", __version__)] ) sqla_110 = _vers >= (1, 1, 0) sqla_1115 = _vers >= (1, 1, 15) sqla_120 = _vers >= (1, 2, 0) sqla_1216 = _vers >= (1, 2, 16) sqla_13 = _vers >= (1, 3) sqla_14 = _vers >= (1, 4) try: from sqlalchemy import Computed # noqa has_computed = True has_computed_reflection = _vers >= (1, 3, 16) except ImportError: has_computed = False has_computed_reflection = False AUTOINCREMENT_DEFAULT = "auto" def _connectable_has_table(connectable, tablename, schemaname): if sqla_14: return inspect(connectable).has_table(tablename, schemaname) else: return connectable.dialect.has_table( connectable, tablename, schemaname ) def _exec_on_inspector(inspector, statement, **params): if sqla_14: with inspector._operation_context() as conn: return conn.execute(statement, params) else: return inspector.bind.execute(statement, params) def _server_default_is_computed(column): if not has_computed: return False else: return isinstance(column.computed, Computed) def _table_for_constraint(constraint): if isinstance(constraint, ForeignKeyConstraint): return constraint.parent else: return constraint.table def _columns_for_constraint(constraint): if isinstance(constraint, ForeignKeyConstraint): return [fk.parent for fk in constraint.elements] elif isinstance(constraint, CheckConstraint): return _find_columns(constraint.sqltext) else: return list(constraint.columns) def _fk_spec(constraint): source_columns = [ constraint.columns[key].name for key in constraint.column_keys ] source_table = source_schema = constraint.parent.schema target_schema = constraint.elements[0].column.table.schema target_table = constraint.elements[0] target_columns = [ for element in constraint.elements] ondelete = constraint.ondelete onupdate = constraint.onupdate deferrable = constraint.deferrable initially = constraint.initially return ( source_schema, source_table, source_columns, target_schema, target_table, target_columns, onupdate, ondelete, deferrable, initially, ) def _fk_is_self_referential(constraint): spec = constraint.elements[0]._get_colspec() tokens = spec.split(".") tokens.pop(-1) # colname tablekey = ".".join(tokens) return tablekey == constraint.parent.key def _is_type_bound(constraint): # this deals with SQLAlchemy #3260, don't copy CHECK constraints # that will be generated by the type. # new feature added for #3260 return constraint._type_bound def _find_columns(clause): """locate Column objects within the given expression.""" cols = set() traverse(clause, {}, {"column": cols.add}) return cols def _remove_column_from_collection(collection, column): """remove a column from a ColumnCollection.""" # workaround for older SQLAlchemy, remove the # same object that's present to_remove = collection[column.key] collection.remove(to_remove) def _textual_index_column(table, text_): """a workaround for the Index construct's severe lack of flexibility""" if isinstance(text_, compat.string_types): c = Column(text_, sqltypes.NULLTYPE) table.append_column(c) return c elif isinstance(text_, TextClause): return _textual_index_element(table, text_) else: raise ValueError("String or text() construct expected") class _textual_index_element(sql.ColumnElement): """Wrap around a sqlalchemy text() construct in such a way that we appear like a column-oriented SQL expression to an Index construct. The issue here is that currently the Postgresql dialect, the biggest recipient of functional indexes, keys all the index expressions to the corresponding column expressions when rendering CREATE INDEX, so the Index we create here needs to have a .columns collection that is the same length as the .expressions collection. Ultimately SQLAlchemy should support text() expressions in indexes. See SQLAlchemy issue 3174. """ __visit_name__ = "_textual_idx_element" def __init__(self, table, text): self.table = table self.text = text self.key = text.text self.fake_column = schema.Column(self.text.text, sqltypes.NULLTYPE) table.append_column(self.fake_column) def get_children(self): return [self.fake_column] @compiles(_textual_index_element) def _render_textual_index_column(element, compiler, **kw): return compiler.process(element.text, **kw) class _literal_bindparam(_BindParamClause): pass @compiles(_literal_bindparam) def _render_literal_bindparam(element, compiler, **kw): return compiler.render_literal_bindparam(element, **kw) def _get_index_expressions(idx): return list(idx.expressions) def _get_index_column_names(idx): return [getattr(exp, "name", None) for exp in _get_index_expressions(idx)] def _column_kwargs(col): if sqla_13: return col.kwargs else: return {} def _get_constraint_final_name(constraint, dialect): if is None: return None elif sqla_14: # for SQLAlchemy 1.4 we would like to have the option to expand # the use of "deferred" names for constraints as well as to have # some flexibility with "None" name and similar; make use of new # SQLAlchemy API to return what would be the final compiled form of # the name for this dialect. return dialect.identifier_preparer.format_constraint( constraint, _alembic_quote=False ) else: # prior to SQLAlchemy 1.4, work around quoting logic to get at the # final compiled name without quotes. if hasattr(, "quote"): # might be quoted_name, might be truncated_name, keep it the # same quoted_name_cls = type( else: quoted_name_cls = quoted_name new_name = quoted_name_cls(str(, quote=False) constraint = constraint.__class__(name=new_name) if isinstance(constraint, schema.Index): # name should not be quoted. return dialect.ddl_compiler(dialect, None)._prepared_index_name( constraint ) else: # name should not be quoted. return dialect.identifier_preparer.format_constraint(constraint) def _constraint_is_named(constraint, dialect): if sqla_14: if is None: return False name = dialect.identifier_preparer.format_constraint( constraint, _alembic_quote=False ) return name is not None else: return is not None def _dialect_supports_comments(dialect): if sqla_120: return dialect.supports_comments else: return False def _comment_attribute(obj): """return the .comment attribute from a Table or Column""" if sqla_120: return obj.comment else: return None def _is_mariadb(mysql_dialect): return ( mysql_dialect.server_version_info and "MariaDB" in mysql_dialect.server_version_info ) def _mariadb_normalized_version_info(mysql_dialect): if len(mysql_dialect.server_version_info) > 5: return mysql_dialect.server_version_info[3:] else: return mysql_dialect.server_version_info if sqla_14: from sqlalchemy import create_mock_engine else: from sqlalchemy import create_engine def create_mock_engine(url, executor): return create_engine( "postgresql://", strategy="mock", executor=executor )