import subprocess import sys from .. import util from ..util import compat _registry = {} def register(name): """A function decorator that will register that function as a write hook. See the documentation linked below for an example. .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 .. seealso:: :ref:`post_write_hooks_custom` """ def decorate(fn): _registry[name] = fn return decorate def _invoke(name, revision, options): """Invokes the formatter registered for the given name. :param name: The name of a formatter in the registry :param revision: A :class:`.MigrationRevision` instance :param options: A dict containing kwargs passed to the specified formatter. :raises: :class:`alembic.util.CommandError` """ try: hook = _registry[name] except KeyError: compat.raise_from_cause( util.CommandError("No formatter with name '%s' registered" % name) ) else: return hook(revision, options) def _run_hooks(path, hook_config): """Invoke hooks for a generated revision. """ from .base import _split_on_space_comma names = _split_on_space_comma.split(hook_config.get("hooks", "")) for name in names: if not name: continue opts = { key[len(name) + 1 :]: hook_config[key] for key in hook_config if key.startswith(name + ".") } opts["_hook_name"] = name try: type_ = opts["type"] except KeyError: compat.raise_from_cause( util.CommandError( "Key %s.type is required for post write hook %r" % (name, name) ) ) else: util.status( 'Running post write hook "%s"' % name, _invoke, type_, path, opts, newline=True, ) @register("console_scripts") def console_scripts(path, options): import pkg_resources try: entrypoint_name = options["entrypoint"] except KeyError: compat.raise_from_cause( util.CommandError( "Key %s.entrypoint is required for post write hook %r" % (options["_hook_name"], options["_hook_name"]) ) ) iter_ = pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("console_scripts", entrypoint_name) impl = next(iter_) options = options.get("options", "") [ sys.executable, "-c", "import %s; %s()" % (impl.module_name, ".".join((impl.module_name,) + impl.attrs)), path, ] + options.split() )