# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ werkzeug.useragents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module provides a helper to inspect user agent strings. This module is far from complete but should work for most of the currently available browsers. :copyright: 2007 Pallets :license: BSD-3-Clause """ import re class UserAgentParser(object): """A simple user agent parser. Used by the `UserAgent`.""" platforms = ( (" cros ", "chromeos"), ("iphone|ios", "iphone"), ("ipad", "ipad"), (r"darwin|mac|os\s*x", "macos"), ("win", "windows"), (r"android", "android"), ("netbsd", "netbsd"), ("openbsd", "openbsd"), ("freebsd", "freebsd"), ("dragonfly", "dragonflybsd"), ("(sun|i86)os", "solaris"), (r"x11|lin(\b|ux)?", "linux"), (r"nintendo\s+wii", "wii"), ("irix", "irix"), ("hp-?ux", "hpux"), ("aix", "aix"), ("sco|unix_sv", "sco"), ("bsd", "bsd"), ("amiga", "amiga"), ("blackberry|playbook", "blackberry"), ("symbian", "symbian"), ) browsers = ( ("googlebot", "google"), ("msnbot", "msn"), ("yahoo", "yahoo"), ("ask jeeves", "ask"), (r"aol|america\s+online\s+browser", "aol"), (r"opera|opr", "opera"), ("edge", "edge"), ("chrome|crios", "chrome"), ("seamonkey", "seamonkey"), ("firefox|firebird|phoenix|iceweasel", "firefox"), ("galeon", "galeon"), ("safari|version", "safari"), ("webkit", "webkit"), ("camino", "camino"), ("konqueror", "konqueror"), ("k-meleon", "kmeleon"), ("netscape", "netscape"), (r"msie|microsoft\s+internet\s+explorer|trident/.+? rv:", "msie"), ("lynx", "lynx"), ("links", "links"), ("Baiduspider", "baidu"), ("bingbot", "bing"), ("mozilla", "mozilla"), ) _browser_version_re = r"(?:%s)[/\sa-z(]*(\d+[.\da-z]+)?" _language_re = re.compile( r"(?:;\s*|\s+)(\b\w{2}\b(?:-\b\w{2}\b)?)\s*;|" r"(?:\(|\[|;)\s*(\b\w{2}\b(?:-\b\w{2}\b)?)\s*(?:\]|\)|;)" ) def __init__(self): self.platforms = [(b, re.compile(a, re.I)) for a, b in self.platforms] self.browsers = [ (b, re.compile(self._browser_version_re % a, re.I)) for a, b in self.browsers ] def __call__(self, user_agent): for platform, regex in self.platforms: # noqa: B007 match = regex.search(user_agent) if match is not None: break else: platform = None for browser, regex in self.browsers: # noqa: B007 match = regex.search(user_agent) if match is not None: version = match.group(1) break else: browser = version = None match = self._language_re.search(user_agent) if match is not None: language = match.group(1) or match.group(2) else: language = None return platform, browser, version, language class UserAgent(object): """Represents a user agent. Pass it a WSGI environment or a user agent string and you can inspect some of the details from the user agent string via the attributes. The following attributes exist: .. attribute:: string the raw user agent string .. attribute:: platform the browser platform. The following platforms are currently recognized: - `aix` - `amiga` - `android` - `blackberry` - `bsd` - `chromeos` - `dragonflybsd` - `freebsd` - `hpux` - `ipad` - `iphone` - `irix` - `linux` - `macos` - `netbsd` - `openbsd` - `sco` - `solaris` - `symbian` - `wii` - `windows` .. attribute:: browser the name of the browser. The following browsers are currently recognized: - `aol` * - `ask` * - `baidu` * - `bing` * - `camino` - `chrome` - `edge` - `firefox` - `galeon` - `google` * - `kmeleon` - `konqueror` - `links` - `lynx` - `mozilla` - `msie` - `msn` - `netscape` - `opera` - `safari` - `seamonkey` - `webkit` - `yahoo` * (Browsers marked with a star (``*``) are crawlers.) .. attribute:: version the version of the browser .. attribute:: language the language of the browser """ _parser = UserAgentParser() def __init__(self, environ_or_string): if isinstance(environ_or_string, dict): environ_or_string = environ_or_string.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", "") self.string = environ_or_string self.platform, self.browser, self.version, self.language = self._parser( environ_or_string ) def to_header(self): return self.string def __str__(self): return self.string def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.browser) __bool__ = __nonzero__ def __repr__(self): return "<%s %r/%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.browser, self.version)