import ftplib from ftplib import FTP import os import fileinput # connect to host, default port ftp = FTP('') # user anonymous, passwd anonymous@ ftp.login() #change to the directory upload ftp.cwd('upload') #list all the directory ftp.retrlines('LIST') #change to the directory upload of books ftp.cwd('/upload/_books/') #check what is the directory we are in ftp.pwd() #ask in terminal for the file that is going to be uploaded localfile = (input("What file do you want to upload? (include extention as example.pdf): ")) #use the file from the input, read binary fp = open(localfile, 'rb') #1024 is the block size ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % os.path.basename(localfile), fp, 1024) # close file and FTP session fp.close() ftp.quit()