You’ll need the command-line tools for Xcode installed.
```bash xcode-select --install ```After install Homebrew.
```bash ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" ```Run the following command once you’re done to ensure Homebrew is installed and working properly:
```bash brew doctor ``` ```bash sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip imagemagick poppler pdfunite ``` ```bash brew install python3 python3-pip imagemagick poppler pdfunite ``` ###PIP3 sudo pip3 install pdf2image Pillow time logging opencv-python pytesseract ##How to useAdd your pictures from the book scanner to the folder "/scans"
Make all the files executable.
```bash sudo chmod 777 ```Run ./
Wait :)
##Aditional information ###Create 5 directories ```bash mkdir split mkdir rotated mkdir ocred mkdir bounding_box mkdir cropped ``` ###Merge the files in the directory scansAll the scans will be appended to one pdf called out.pdf
```bash ./ ``` ###Burst the pdf in scansBurst this pdf, renaming all the files so they can be iterated later.
```bash python3 ``` ###Rotate the pdfsThe book scanner takes pictures of the pdfs, this scrip iterates through the odd and even pages rotating them to their original position.
```bash python3 ``` ###Cropping the bounding boxesThe pages are now in their original position, but they have a bounding box. This script iterates through them and crops the highest contrast area found.
```bash python3 ``` ###Cropping the mirrorThe pages are now cropped, but the mirror is still visible in the middle.
```bash python3 ``` ###OCRIn this part we OCR the jpg, turning these into PDFs.
```bash python3 ``` ###Merge all the files and create the pdfThe OCRed pages are now joined into their final PDF, your book is ready :)
```bash ./ ``` ## License The package is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](