[ { "title": "RGB Reader", "link": "", "img": "", "type": "Artist book and intervention", "summary": "The RGB Reader is an artist book that archives the average color samples from the IKEA catalog to showcase the digital materiality of color. The book is accompanied by a cake party that invites guests to taste colored cakes as a tangible intervention.", "role ": "", "year": "2018" }, { "title": "How Many Cats?", "link": "", "img": "", "type": "Artist book and intervention", "summary": "“How Many Cats?” is a participatory artist book that playfully intervenes on the subjects of data collection, batch processing, and machine learning on a slow and personal scale. The book presents a collection of my selfies taken with cats, and invites the reader to hand count the total number of cats appeared in the book.", "role ": "", "year": "2018" }, { "title": "Libraries amongst others: A network publication", "link": "", "img": "", "type": "Networked publication", "summary": " Summary: The publication is a textually networked publication that speaks of a cultural ecology of publishing and archiving from the lens of my childhood experiences. The experiences are on institutional, parasitical, and personal scales: reading at municipal libraries, my aunt’s print shop, and my friend’s personal library. The publication is structured as a network of hyperlinked pages. The hyperlinked network is used as an intermedia writing medium to present the myriad of networks in which text circulates.", "role ": "", "year": "2019" }, { "title": "The Repeater Archive ", "link": "", "img": "", "type": "Archive", "summary": "The archive animates the repeater, a language aid learning device similar to the dictaphone popular in China in the late 90s. In the archive, a navigator “onebigear” guides the visitor with narration and reflection. “onebigear” narrates my childhood experience using the device to learn English, and it reflects on the device in the framework of material and cultural media history. The reflection discusses how the transmission and storage of standardized English speech intended for language instruction is a process of power that is uniquely embedded in the materiality of magnetic tape recordings.", "role ": "", "year": "2020" }, { "title": "avant la lettre: media archaeology cn", "link": "", "img": "", "type": "Online conference", "summary": " Summary: The conference proposed a materialist approach to understanding the history of Chinese text processing. It was curated with three thematic panels discussions: “Input/Output”, focusing on the materialities of Chinese digital word processors, input method, and Chinese character card; “Hardware/Software”, focusing on presenting emulated demonstrations to illustrate how Chinese text were processed in the early computer models and operating systems developed in China; and “Publishing Surfaces”, focusing on the intermedia writing practices that directly concerns the role of text in hybrid publishing procedures.", "role ": "Curator, host, organizer", "year": "2021" }, { "title": "dot_text_tile", "link": "", "img": "", "type": "Hybrid and interactive installation", "summary": "The work activates and materializes the overlap between the history of computation and textile. Drawing from the history of the punch card as a material storage medium that automated both looms and computers, the installation interactively weaves textiles based on dynamic input from questionnaires filled in by the audience that poetically blends the computational aspects of textile and the condition of textile production in Southeastern China.", "role ": "Researcher ", "year": "2021" }, { "title": "Channel Channel", "link": "", "img": "", "type": "", "summary": "", "role ": "", "year": "2019" }, { "title": "Contextual Electronics", "link": "", "img": "", "type": "", "summary": "", "role ": "", "year": "2019" }, { "title": "bpNichol Reader", "link": "", "img": "", "type": "", "summary": "", "role ": "", "year": "2022" }, { "title": "Machine Learning 4 Cats", "link": "", "img": "", "type": "", "summary": "", "role ": "", "year": "2022" }, { "title": "The Radio Book ", "link": "", "img": "", "type": "", "summary": "", "role ": "", "year": "2022" }, { "title": "textArchaeology", "link": "", "img": "", "type": "", "summary": "", "role ": "", "year": "2022 – ongoing" }, { "title": "IRIS", "link": "", "img": "", "type": "", "summary": "", "role ": "", "year": "" }, { "title": "The Library Is Open", "link": "", "img": "", "type": "", "summary": "", "role ": "", "year": "2018" }, { "title": "", "link": "", "img": "", "type": "", "summary": "", "role ": "", "year": "2019" } ]