[ { "title": "Big in japan", "link": "https://archive.org/details/alphaville-big-in-japan-original-vhs", "img": "", "type": "", "content": "", "onText": "" }, { "title": "新世紀エヴァンゲリオン EVA - 残酷な天使のテーゼ [SC88]", "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8ozVkIkr-g", "img": "", "type": "", "content": "", "onText": "" }, { "title": "Nintendo Famicom user manual manga", "link": "https://archive.org/details/famicom-manga/page/n1/mode/2up", "img": "famicon_manga.png", "type": "print", "content": "Nintendo Famicom user manual in manga format.", "onText": "famicon games displays text " }, { "title": "悲しみのNIFTY-Serve", "link": "https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2380352", "img": "nifty_serve.png", "type": "audio", "content": "A melancholic song written for NIFTY Serve, a telecommunications services in Japan active from 1987 to 2006.", "onText": "writing text in the Nifty serve network " }, { "title": "L’aventurier", "link": "https://archive.org/details/cd_laventurier_indochine/disc1/01.+Indochine+-+L'Aventurier.flac", "img": "", "type": "", "content": "", "onText": "" }, { "title": "neuromancer", "link": "\nhttps://archive.org/details/neuromancer-william-gibson/1+of+2.mp3", "img": "neuromancer.png", "type": "audio", "content": "Chiba city blues, razor girl, console cowboy, and the matrix.", "onText": "text is the matrix" }, { "title": "toshiba msx advertisement in 1985", "link": "https://archive.org/details/ToshibaPasopiaIQMSX_1985", "img": "tosiba_msx.png", "type": "video", "content": "Advertisement featuring kanji input.", "onText": "advertisement of text processor" }, { "title": "timothy leary in japan", "link": "https://archive.org/details/Timothy_Leary_Archives_239", "img": "", "type": "video", "content": "Timothy Leary interviewed in japan. watch with caution.", "onText": "" }, { "title": "アメリカ大統領選挙", "link": "https://archive.org/details/NESLongplay918AmericaDaitouryouSenkyo", "img": "america_pre.png", "type": "game", "content": "A longplay of an NES game of the American presidential election.", "onText": "" }, { "title": "Artificial intelligence on the Commodore 64 : make your micro think", "link": "https://archive.org/details/artificial-intelligence-on-the-commodore-64/page/n33/mode/2up", "img": "", "type": "", "content": "", "onText": "" }, { "title": "yaruo text", "link": "", "img": "yaruo_text.png", "type": "", "content": "", "onText": "" }, { "title": "Afternoon yaruo time", "link": "https://gogoyaru.blogspot.com/", "img": "yaruo.png", "type": "archive", "content": "", "onText": "ASCII text memetic network " }, { "title": "AA/ASCIIART archive", "link": "http://azeria.jp/index.php", "img": "", "type": "archive", "content": "", "onText": "" }, { "title": "Lolicore music archive", "link": "https://lolicore.net/", "img": " ", "type": "", "content": "", "onText": "" }, { "title": "Oki wiredot printer", "link": "https://museum.ipsj.or.jp/en/computer/device/printer/0079.html", "img": "oki_wiredot.png", "type": "archive", "content": "", "onText": "" }, { "title": "Pyuuta", "link": "https://web.archive.org/web/20150319073438/http://www.toragiku.com/kopa/pyuta4.htm", "img": "pyuuta.png", "type": "archive", "content": "", "onText": "" }, { "title": "Pyuuta text", "link": "https://www.floodgap.com/retrobits/tomy/pyuuta/pyuuta1.html", "img": "pyuuta_text.jpg", "type": "archive", "content": "", "onText": "" }, { "title": "Pyuuta text color", "link": "https://www.floodgap.com/retrobits/tomy/pyuuta/pyuuta1.html", "img": "pyuuta_text_color.jpg", "type": "archive", "content": "", "onText": "" } ]