You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

112 lines
3.8 KiB

5 years ago
import os, json, sys, urllib
from mwclient import Site
from pprint import pprint
from jinja2 import Template
from functions import unpack_response, clean_dir, remove_nonwords
import html5lib
5 years ago
from functions import Colors
import argparse
5 years ago
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from urllib.parse import quote as urlquote, unquote as urlunquote
5 years ago
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Dump wiki files to html",
p.add_argument("--host", metavar='', default="", help='wiki host')
p.add_argument("--path", metavar='', default="/itchwiki/", help="Wiki path. Should end with /")
p.add_argument("--output", default="/var/www/html/archive", help="Output path for pages")
5 years ago
p.add_argument("--one", default=False, action="store_true", help="Output one page from each category only")
p.add_argument("--local", default=False, action="store_true", help="When creating a local archives. Add full URL to images")
5 years ago
args = p.parse_args()
5 years ago
# site and login
site = Site(, path=args.path)
with open('login.txt', 'r') as login: # read login user & pwd
loginlines =
user, pwd = loginlines.split('\n')
site.login(username=user, password=pwd) # login to wiki
# read template files
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
SLASH = "\u2044"
5 years ago
HYPHEN = "\u2010"
5 years ago
5 years ago
def filenameforpage(p):
5 years ago
f =' ','_').replace('/', SLASH) + '.html'
5 years ago
return f
5 years ago
def filenameforlink(href):
href = urlunquote(href)
5 years ago
if href.startswith("/sandbox/itchwiki/index.php/"):
href = href[len("/sandbox/itchwiki/index.php/"):]
5 years ago
href = href.replace(' ','_').replace('/', SLASH).replace('', HYPHEN) + '.html'
href = urlquote(href)
5 years ago
return href
5 years ago
def rewritelinks (html):
t = html5lib.parseFragment(html, treebuilder = "etree", namespaceHTMLElements = False)
for a in t.findall(".//*[@href]"):
linkclass = a.attrib.get("class", "")
href = a.attrib.get("href")
if "external" in linkclass:
# leave external links alone
5 years ago
# print ("LINK", href)
5 years ago
if href.startswith("/sandbox/itchwiki/index.php/"):
5 years ago
new_href = filenameforlink(href)
a.attrib['href'] = new_href
if args.local is True:
for img in t.findall(".//img[@src]"):
src = img.attrib.get("src")
if not src.startswith('http'):
img.attrib['src'] = '' + src
5 years ago
html = ET.tostring(t, method="html", encoding="unicode")
return html
def rewriteimgs(html):
t = html5lib.parseFragment(html, treebuilder = "etree", namespaceHTMLElements = False)
# remove the srcset value as it prevents images from displaying
for img in t.findall(".//img[@srcset]"):
img.attrib['srcset'] = ""
html = ET.tostring(t, method="html", encoding="unicode")
return html
5 years ago
for cat in publish.members():
5 years ago
if cat.namespace != 14:
5 years ago
print('dumping category {}'.format(cat.page_title))
# title=site.Categories['Title']
with open('templates/{}.html'.format(cat.page_title.lower())) as templatefile:
template = Template(
except FileNotFoundError:
with open('templates/default.html') as templatefile:
template = Template(
for p in cat.members():
htmlsrc = site.parse(['text']['*']
5 years ago
htmlsrc = rewritelinks(htmlsrc)
htmlsrc = rewriteimgs(htmlsrc)
if args.local is True:
html = template.render(page=p, body=htmlsrc, staticpath='..')
html = template.render(page=p, body=htmlsrc, staticpath='0')
5 years ago
with open(os.path.join(args.output, filenameforpage(p)), 'w') as f:
print(html, file=f)
5 years ago
5 years ago