95 layouts
Because there's always more than one way to do it.
<"old skool" imagemagick docs ... https://imagemagick.org/Usage/>
Flat - A Python library made to draw graphics but also designed to produce multi-paged PDFs
SILE - Typesetting software
SILE - Typesetting software manual
* <http://relearn.be/2019/#brussels>
Publishing an "image gallery"
Imagemagick's suite of tools includes *montage* which is quite flexible and useful for making a quick overview page of image.
* mogrify
* identify
* convert
Sizing down a bunch of images
Warning: MOGRIFY MODIES THE IMAGES -- ERASING THE ORIGINAL -- make a copy of the images before you do this!!!
mogrify -resize 1024x *.JPG
Fixing the orientation of images
mogrify -auto-orient *.JPG
Using Montage
montage -label "%f" *.JPG \
-shadow \
-geometry 1000x1000+100+100 \
Using pdftk to put things together