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# read the values from Arduino:
import serial # import serial library to read the values from Arduino Uno via serial (usb) connection
import os # library to use bash commands
from friction_label import friction_label
from future_relics import future_relics
from preview import preview
function_index = {
"FL": friction_label,
"FR": future_relics
module_index = {
"FL": "friction_label",
"FR": "future_relics"
if __name__ == '__main__':
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyS0', 9600, timeout=1) # establish a serial connection using Serial Pi Zero (S0), using the RX $
while True:
if ser.in_waiting > 0:
line = ser.readline() # reads bytes
line = line.decode("utf-8", 'ignore').rstrip() # converts bytes to string
line = line.replace("\r\n", "") # replaces "\r\n" (end of line) with nothing
line = line.replace("\r", "") # replaces "\r" (between two modules) with nothing
line = line.split("#") # splits the line into a list of lists
# after this split the list begins with an empty list, so delete it:
if line[0] == "": #if first list in lists is empty:
del line[0] #delete the first element
# print(line)
modules = []
for module in line:
values = module.split(",") # splits each module into values
print("These are the values of each module inside a list of modules ")
previous_module = ""
for module in modules: #for each module inside the list of modules
if module[0] not in module_index: #this if break is added to avoid the script from breaking at the start (which happens when serial is not yet receiving all values, but only fragments)
# print("break")
break # break and start the for loop again
function_index[module[0]](previous_module, module) #use function_index to run functions for each module
previous_module = module_index[module[0]] #use module_index to replace abbr. with full name
if module == modules[-1]: #if module is the last module in list of modules
final_module = module_index[module[0]] #use name of the last module to define final_module
# print(final_module)
preview(final_module) #call preview function with last_module as variable
except OSError as e:
print("Error: could not decode bytes")