# button setup (connect to 3.3V and GPIO Pin 16) import RPi.GPIO as GPIO # GPIO pins import time import os # library to use bash commands def preview(final_module): while True: # Run forever GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) #Use the physical GPIO number GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) #Change pin if necessary GPIO.setwarnings(False) #Ignore warnings if GPIO.input(16) == GPIO.HIGH: time.sleep(1) # print(final_module) os.system("gv -fullscreen " + final_module + ".ps") GPIO.cleanup() #GPIO clean up else: break # problems: # interrupts read_values.py # does not refresh #import os # library to use bash commands #import keyboard #import time #import mouse #def preview(final_module): # os.system("gv -fullscreen " + final_module + ".ps") # while True: # mouse.move('500', '500') # keyboard.send(".") # sleep(3) #preview("test-preview")