import re # libary to search and replace strings in the postscript file import os def generate_postscript(previous_module, current_module, script): if previous_module == "" or previous_module == "dynamic_glyph": print("use and write to") #input file fileInput = open("", "rt") # rt = read text mode #output file to write the result to fileOutput = open(current_module + ".ps", "wt") # wt = write text mode # read the input file, search for a patterns, replace it with new patterns (that take the values from the input sensor) # uses regular expressions library (re) content = content = re.sub(r"% empty file\n\nshowpage\n% print all on a page", (script), content) # write the new text to the output file fileOutput.write(content) #close input and output files fileInput.close() fileOutput.close() # time.sleep(5) else: print("use and write to") #input file fileInput = open(previous_module + ".ps", "rt") # a+ = read text mode and write (append) to end of file fileOutput = open(current_module + ".ps", "wt") # wt = write text mode # read the input file, search for a patterns, replace it with new patterns (that take the values from the input sensor) # uses regular expressions library (re) content = content = re.sub(r"showpage\n% print all on a page", (script), content) # write the new text to the output file fileOutput.write(content) #close input and output files fileInput.close() fileOutput.close() # time.sleep(5)