Dateien hochladen nach „output_module“

ohjian 2 years ago
parent 3be3070829
commit 8730698e84

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
# read the values from ESP32 and call functions to generate ps-file:
import serial # import serial library to read the values from ESP32 via serial (RX) connection
import os # library to use bash commands
#LED connect to GND and pin 23
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO # GPIO pins
import time
import logging
#logging gives information for debugging purposes
from print_button import print_button
from preview_button import preview_button
from friction_label import friction_label
from future_relics import future_relics
from weaver import weaver
from whoosh import whoosh
from dynamic_glyph import dynamic_glyph
from print_or_preview import preview_output, print_output
function_index = {
"FL": friction_label,
"FR": future_relics,
"WV": weaver,
"WH": whoosh,
"DG": dynamic_glyph
module_index = {
"FL": "friction_label",
"FR": "future_relics",
"WV": "weaver",
"WH": "whoosh",
"DG": "dynamic_glyph"
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) #Use the physical board number (not GPIO numbering)
GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) # Set pin 23 to be an output pin and set initial value to low (off)
GPIO.setwarnings(False) #Ignore warnings
preview_button_count = 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyS0', 9600, timeout=0.1) # establish a serial connection using Serial Pi Zero (S0), using the RX pin
while True:
#for some reason the whole ED setup has to be repeated here:
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) #Use the physical board number (not GPIO numbering
GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) # Set pin 23 to be an output pin and set initial value to low (off)
GPIO.output(23, GPIO.LOW)
if ser.in_waiting > 0:
#the longer serial data is received, the bigger the data in the buffer
#set a max amount of buffer data, then reset the buffer:
if ser.in_waiting > 400:
GPIO.output(23, GPIO.HIGH) # Turn on while serial data is incoming
line = ser.readline() # reads bytes
class theEnd(Exception): pass #defines an exception for the following try (in case, it is executed at the end).
line = line.decode("utf-8", 'ignore').rstrip() # converts bytes to string
line = line.replace("\r\n", "") # replaces "\r\n" (end of line) with nothing
line = line.replace("\r", "") # replaces "\r" (between two modules) with nothing
if not line.startswith("&&&") and not line.endswith("&&&"): # break when line of data is not complete
line = line.replace("&&&", "") # delete all &&&
line = line.split("#") # splits the line into a list of lists
# after this split the list begins with an empty list, so delete it:
if line[0] == "": #if first list in lists is empty:
del line[0] #delete the first element
# print(line)
modules = []
for module in line:
values = module.split(",") # splits each module into values
print("These are the values of all connected modules ")
#for each module: check if all values are being received, if not jump to theEnd execption at the end of this code
for module in modules:
if module[0] == "FL" and len(module) != 9:
raise theEnd
if module[0] == "FR" and len(module) != 6:
raise theEnd
if module[0] == "WV" and len(module) != 6:
raise theEnd
if module[0] == "WH" and len(module) != 10:
raise theEnd
if module[0] == "DG" and len(module) != 2:
raise theEnd
if preview_button() == True:
#increase the preview button count to know if it is a preview start or a preview refresh
preview_button_count = preview_button_count + 1
previous_module = "" #define previous_module as non-existent
for module in modules: #for each module inside the list of modules
if module[0] not in module_index: #this if break is added to avoid the script from breaking at the start (which happens when serial is not yet receiving all values, but only fragments)
# print("break")
break # break and start the for loop again
current_module = module_index[module[0]] #save the name of the current module, use module_index to replace abbr. with full nam
function_index[module[0]](previous_module, current_module, module) #use function_index to run functions for each module #example: weaver(previous_module, current_module, module)
previous_module = current_module #previous_module is now redefined, bacause current_module becomes previous_module
if module == modules[-1]: #if module is the last module in list of modules
last_module = current_module
preview_output(preview_button_count, last_module) #call preview function
#delete text from text file that was written by dynamic glyph module
open('dynamic_glyph.txt', 'w').close()
if print_button() == True:
previous_module = "" #define previous_module as non-existent
for module in modules: #for each module inside the list of modules
if module[0] not in module_index: #this if break is added to avoid the script from breaking at the start (which happens when serial is not yet receiving all values, but only fragments)
# print("break")
break # break and start the for loop again
current_module = module_index[module[0]] #save the name of the current module, use module_index to replace abbr. with full name
function_index[module[0]](previous_module, current_module, module) #use function_index to run functions for each module #example: weaver(previous_module, current_module, module)
previous_module = current_module #previous_module is now redefined, bacause current_module becomes previous_module
if module == modules[-1]: #if module is the last module in list of modules
last_module = current_module #define current_module as last module to know what file to send to the preview/printer
print_output(last_module) #call print function
#delete text from text file that was written by dynamic glyph module
open('dynamic_glyph.txt', 'w').close()
except theEnd:
print("error reading") #prints error if serial does not receive all values of each module
except OSError as e:
print("Error: could not decode bytes")
except KeyboardInterrupt: #is the script is interrupted, turn the LED off
GPIO.output(23, GPIO.LOW)
# finally:
# GPIO.cleanup()

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
import re # libary to search and replace strings in the postscript file
from dictionary import font_index
from generate_postscript import generate_postscript
# function with three arguments
def weaver(previous_module, current_module, module):
patch1 = module[1]
patch2 = module[2]
patternFactor = int(module[3])
patchFactor = int(module[4])
patchworkFactor = int(module[5])
#replace a, b, c and d with characters I am using nowhere else
patch1 = patch1.replace("a", ("%"*patternFactor)) #
patch1 = patch1.replace("b", ("$"*patternFactor)) #≈
patch1 = patch1.replace("c", ("§"*patternFactor)) #≅
patch1 = patch1.replace("d", ("#"*patternFactor)) #≡
patch2 = patch2.replace("a", ("%"*patternFactor)) #
patch2 = patch2.replace("b", ("$"*patternFactor)) #≈
patch2 = patch2.replace("c", ("§"*patternFactor)) #≅
patch2 = patch2.replace("d", ("#"*patternFactor)) #≡
patchwork = ((patch1*patchFactor) + (patch2*patchFactor)) *patchworkFactor
text = ''
tmp_line = ''
charCount = 0
lineCount = 0
lineWidth = 15
#lineNum = 100 #################################################################################
for character in patchwork:
if len(tmp_line) < lineWidth:
tmp_line += character
if len(patchwork) == charCount+1:
text = text + tmp_line + "\n"
tmp_line += character
text = text + tmp_line + "\n"
tmp_line = ''
lineCount += 1
if lineCount >= 10: #why cannot replace with lineNum?###################################
charCount += 1
#split the text into lines to place them separated
text = text.split("\n")
paragraph = ""
for row in text:
paragraph = paragraph + "(" + row + ") true charpath newline-weaver "
#replace the character that I am using nowhere else with the number code of the special characters I want to use in the generate_postscript
#the backsplash needs two escapes (one in the replace operation and one later in the generate_postscript when it is written to the file)
paragraph = paragraph.replace("%", ("\\\\176"*patternFactor)) #
paragraph = paragraph.replace("$", ("\\\\273"*patternFactor)) #≈
paragraph = paragraph.replace("§", ("\\\\100"*patternFactor)) #≅
paragraph = paragraph.replace("#", ("\\\\272"*patternFactor)) #≡
script = """
% fontname
16 selectfont
% fontsize in points, establishes the font as the current one
/x-weaver { 5 } def
% define x position
/y-weaver { 300 } def
% define y position
/lg-weaver { 5 } def
% define linespacing
/newline-weaver { y-weaver lg-weaver sub /y-weaver exch def x-weaver y-weaver moveto } def
% define newline (position of new line) by using subtracting linespacing (lg) from y position and define that as the new y position (exch-ange), finally move to x position and re-defined y position
x-weaver y-weaver moveto
% x and y coordinates in px (origin is the lower-left corner of the page)
% fill the text in parentheses
% print all on a page
generate_postscript(previous_module, current_module, script) # call function

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
from random import choice
from random import randrange
import re # libary to search and replace strings in the postscript file
from dictionary import font_index
from generate_postscript import generate_postscript
# function with three arguments
def whoosh(previous_module, current_module, module):
font = font_index[module[1]] # use font_index from dictionary to translate the fontname
paraA = int(module[2])
paraB = int(module[3])
paraC = int(module[4])
paraD = int(module[5])
paraE = int(module[6])
paraF = int(module[7])
paraG = int(module[8])
paraLine = int(module[9])
#use text from text file that was written by dynamic glyph module
textFile=open("dynamic_glyph.txt", "rt")
textContent =
if textContent != "": #use content of text file to define text variable
textIn = textContent
text = text.replace("\n", "")
else: #if text file is emptpy: randomly pick a default text (in case keyboard module is not used)
defaultText = ["Modular Matter", "MODULAR MATTER", "Rewire your prints!", "REWIRE YOUR PRINTS!"]
textIn = choice(defaultText)
words = textIn.split(" ")
textOut = ""
firstWords = ""
mashWords = ""
patchWords = ""
#add to output: original text
origin = textIn + "\n"
textOut += origin
#add to output: pyramid with the first two words of the text (or the first word only)
#paraA and paraB
for x in range(1, paraA+1):
for y in range(1, paraB+1):
if len(words) >= 2:
firstWords = ((words[0]+" ")*x) + ((words[1] +" ")*y)
textOut += firstWords + "\n"
firstWords = (words[0]+" ")*x*y
textOut += firstWords + "\n"
#add to output: original text
textOut += origin
#add to output: each round a new line with added random word
for z in range(1, paraC+1):
mashWords += choice(words) + " "
textOut += mashWords + "\n"
#add to output: each round the original text + random number of spaces
#paraD and paraE
for q in range(1, paraD+1):
textOut += origin
textOut += ' ' * randrange(paraE)
#add to output: each round the last word of the original text
for s in range(1, paraF+1):
lastWord = (words[-1]+" ")
textOut += lastWord + "\n"
#add to output: each round a new line with 3 added random words
for r in range(1, paraG+1):
patchWords += choice(words) + " " + choice(words) + " " + choice(words) + " "
textOut += patchWords + "\n"
text = ''
tmp_line = ''
count = 0
for character in textOut:
if len(tmp_line) < paraLine:
tmp_line += character
if len(textOut) == count+1:
text = text + tmp_line + "\n"
tmp_line += character
text = text + tmp_line + "\n"
tmp_line = ''
count += 1
#return text
#return textOut
#split the text into lines to place them separated
text = text.split("\n")
paragraph = ""
for row in text:
paragraph = paragraph + "(" + row + ") true charpath newline-whoosh "
script = """
% fontname
14 selectfont
% fontsize in points, establishes the font as the current one
/x-whoosh { 5 } def
% define x position
/y-whoosh { 100 } def
% define y position
/lg-whoosh { 17 } def
% define linespacing
/newline-whoosh { y-whoosh lg-whoosh sub /y-whoosh exch def x-whoosh y-whoosh moveto } def
% define newline (position of new line) by using subtracting linespacing (lg) from y posiition and define that as the new y position (exch-ange), finally move to x position and re-defined y position
x-whoosh y-whoosh moveto
% x and y coordinates in px (origin is the lower-left corner of the page)
% fill the text in parentheses
% print all on a page
generate_postscript(previous_module, current_module, script) # call function