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import { openDB } from 'indexed-pdb'
export const DB_NAME = "/com.nesbox.tic/TIC-80";
export const DB_STORE = "FILE_DATA";
export function filename_from_key (key) {
if (key.startsWith(DB_NAME+"/")) { return key.substr((DB_NAME+"/").length); }
export async function load_key (key) {
const db = await openDB(DB_NAME),
objectStore = db.transaction([DB_STORE], "readonly").objectStore(DB_STORE);
return await objectStore.get(key);
export async function save_key (key, item) {
const db = await openDB(DB_NAME),
objectStore = db.transaction([DB_STORE], "readwrite").objectStore(DB_STORE);
return await objectStore.put(item, key);
export async function save_cart(filename, cart, mode) {
return await save_key(DB_NAME+"/"+filename, {timestamp: new Date(), contents: cart.tobuffer(), mode: mode});
export function compareBuffers (a, b) {
var ad = new DataView(a.buffer),
bd = new DataView(b.buffer);
if (ad.byteLength != bd.byteLength) { return false; }
for (var i=0; i<ad.byteLength; i++) {
if (ad.getUint8(i, 1) != bd.getUint8(i, 1)) { return false;}
return true;