from word_grid import * import argparse # Initialize parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generates a word search puzzle") # Adding optional argument parser.add_argument("-c", "--cheated", action="store_true", help = "Hightlight words") parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", type=str, default="words.txt", help = "Path to a custom words file. One word per line.") parser.add_argument("-s", "--size", type=int, default=20, help = "Sets a custom grid size (Default: 20)") # Read arguments from command line args = parser.parse_args() def main(cheated=False, words_file=None, size=20): # generating words from file # words = ["wear", "variable", "print", "minimum", "graduate", "room", "bulk", "advise", "completed", "memory"] file1 = open(words_file, 'r') # lines = file1.readlines() # !!! THIS LINE BLOCKED CUSTOM WORD FILES !!! -- mb words = [word.strip() for word in file1.readlines()] # !!! STRIP() IS ADDED !!! -- mb file1.close() # appending words to array # for _ in range(10): # words.append(lines[random.randint(0, len(lines)-1)].strip()) # creating the word grid grid = WordGrid(size) print("┌────────────────────┐") print("│ Word Search Puzzle │") print("└────────────────────┘") grid.cheated = cheated grid.generate_with_words(words) # printing the words to find print("Words:") count = 0 for word in words: count += 1 print(f"{count}. {word}", end=" | ") print() if __name__ == "__main__": main(cheated=args.cheated, words_file=args.file, size=args.size) # Created by Magoninho