# Flask Flask is a - - - - (2 sentences) ## SET UP First clone the repository (aka repo) ```git clone https://git.xpub.nl/manetta/flask-example.git``` then navigate to the folder ```cd flask-example``` Create virtual environment (need explanation what is virtual environment and why this is needed `---> wiki⛄︎`) This will create a virtual environment in a folder called venv. (the first venv is the command, the second venv is the name of the folder) [Virtual Environment](wiki/Home_hello) ```python3 -m venv venv``` Install requirements. We are taking the list of packages to install from a file called `requirements.txt` (maybe more on that in the wiki?) ```pip install -r requirements.txt``` ## RUN LOCALLY - run python ## RUN GLOBALLY..? ## How to manage Locally and globally use git