your name is lumen

your life focusses around work and you talk about it a lot.

you work with nex.

the dream starts:

*bling* message comes in from unknown. Weird that never happens to me "hey"

"Helloooo???? " I write back I am a bit scared but actually more excited. What is this? I did not even know you can receive messages from unknown on Eixogen. "how are you?" the unknown sender asks "I am ok I guess" I answer "you?"

"I am good. I was wondering... Don't you think there is something a bit off here? Everything seems all right. Always. No mistakes. No tripping, no getting stuck" "Who are you?" I ask excited. No answer. Shit, maybe I should have not so aggressively for their identity. Maybe they think now I'm a COP. "Yes I feel exactly the same" I write in addition.

"I am glad to hear."


"You are not alone."

My heart starts racing. Is this what Helga was talking about?"

I answer: "No? Where are you? I need your help!!!!"

"I know, thats why I am here. Go to your menu to the settings and deactivate the firewall. Then go to your spam folder and open the mail coming from 868. Open the zip"

Shit. What if this is a virus`? Fuck it, I'll try it. I have nothing to loose in my account. No credits left just looser points. Let's go.

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start sleepwalking