import { inspect } from 'node:util'; import { parseArgs } from './parse-args.js'; // it's a tiny API, just cast it inline, it's fine //@ts-ignore import cliui from '@isaacs/cliui'; import { basename } from 'node:path'; const width = Math.min((process && process.stdout && process.stdout.columns) || 80, 80); // indentation spaces from heading level const indent = (n) => (n - 1) * 2; const toEnvKey = (pref, key) => { return [pref, key.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, ' ')] .join(' ') .trim() .toUpperCase() .replace(/ /g, '_'); }; const toEnvVal = (value, delim = '\n') => { const str = typeof value === 'string' ? value : typeof value === 'boolean' ? value ? '1' : '0' : typeof value === 'number' ? String(value) : Array.isArray(value) ? value .map((v) => toEnvVal(v)) .join(delim) : /* c8 ignore start */ undefined; if (typeof str !== 'string') { throw new Error(`could not serialize value to environment: ${JSON.stringify(value)}`); } /* c8 ignore stop */ return str; }; const fromEnvVal = (env, type, multiple, delim = '\n') => (multiple ? env.split(delim).map(v => fromEnvVal(v, type, false)) : type === 'string' ? env : type === 'boolean' ? env === '1' : +env.trim()); export const isConfigType = (t) => typeof t === 'string' && (t === 'string' || t === 'number' || t === 'boolean'); const undefOrType = (v, t) => v === undefined || typeof v === t; // print the value type, for error message reporting const valueType = (v) => typeof v === 'string' ? 'string' : typeof v === 'boolean' ? 'boolean' : typeof v === 'number' ? 'number' : Array.isArray(v) ? joinTypes([ Set( => valueType(v)))]) + '[]' : `${v.type}${v.multiple ? '[]' : ''}`; const joinTypes = (types) => types.length === 1 ? types[0] : `(${types.join('|')})`; const isValidValue = (v, type, multi) => { if (multi) { if (!Array.isArray(v)) return false; return !v.some((v) => !isValidValue(v, type, false)); } if (Array.isArray(v)) return false; return typeof v === type; }; export const isConfigOption = (o, type, multi) => !!o && typeof o === 'object' && isConfigType(o.type) && o.type === type && undefOrType(o.short, 'string') && undefOrType(o.description, 'string') && undefOrType(o.hint, 'string') && undefOrType(o.validate, 'function') && (o.default === undefined || isValidValue(o.default, type, multi)) && !!o.multiple === multi; function num(o = {}) { const { default: def, validate: val, } = o; if (def !== undefined && !isValidValue(def, 'number', false)) { throw new TypeError('invalid default value'); } const validate = val ? val : undefined; return {, default: def, validate, type: 'number', multiple: false, }; } function numList(o = {}) { const { default: def, validate: val, } = o; if (def !== undefined && !isValidValue(def, 'number', true)) { throw new TypeError('invalid default value'); } const validate = val ? val : undefined; return {, default: def, validate, type: 'number', multiple: true, }; } function opt(o = {}) { const { default: def, validate: val, } = o; if (def !== undefined && !isValidValue(def, 'string', false)) { throw new TypeError('invalid default value'); } const validate = val ? val : undefined; return {, default: def, validate, type: 'string', multiple: false, }; } function optList(o = {}) { const { default: def, validate: val, } = o; if (def !== undefined && !isValidValue(def, 'string', true)) { throw new TypeError('invalid default value'); } const validate = val ? val : undefined; return {, default: def, validate, type: 'string', multiple: true, }; } function flag(o = {}) { const { hint, default: def, validate: val, } = o; if (def !== undefined && !isValidValue(def, 'boolean', false)) { throw new TypeError('invalid default value'); } const validate = val ? val : undefined; if (hint !== undefined) { throw new TypeError('cannot provide hint for flag'); } return {, default: def, validate, type: 'boolean', multiple: false, }; } function flagList(o = {}) { const { hint, default: def, validate: val, } = o; if (def !== undefined && !isValidValue(def, 'boolean', true)) { throw new TypeError('invalid default value'); } const validate = val ? val : undefined; if (hint !== undefined) { throw new TypeError('cannot provide hint for flag list'); } return {, default: def, validate, type: 'boolean', multiple: true, }; } const toParseArgsOptionsConfig = (options) => { const c = {}; for (const longOption in options) { const config = options[longOption]; if (isConfigOption(config, 'number', true)) { c[longOption] = { type: 'string', multiple: true, default: config.default?.map(c => String(c)), }; } else if (isConfigOption(config, 'number', false)) { c[longOption] = { type: 'string', multiple: false, default: config.default === undefined ? undefined : String(config.default), }; } else { const conf = config; c[longOption] = { type: conf.type, multiple: conf.multiple, default: conf.default, }; } if (typeof config.short === 'string') { c[longOption].short = config.short; } if (config.type === 'boolean' && !longOption.startsWith('no-') && !options[`no-${longOption}`]) { c[`no-${longOption}`] = { type: 'boolean', multiple: config.multiple, }; } } return c; }; const isHeading = (r) => r.type === 'heading'; const isDescription = (r) => r.type === 'description'; /** * Class returned by the {@link jack} function and all configuration * definition methods. This is what gets chained together. */ export class Jack { #configSet; #shorts; #options; #fields = []; #env; #envPrefix; #allowPositionals; #usage; constructor(options = {}) { this.#options = options; this.#allowPositionals = options.allowPositionals !== false; this.#env = this.#options.env === undefined ? process.env : this.#options.env; this.#envPrefix = options.envPrefix; // We need to fib a little, because it's always the same object, but it // starts out as having an empty config set. Then each method that adds // fields returns `this as Jack` this.#configSet = Object.create(null); this.#shorts = Object.create(null); } /** * Set the default value (which will still be overridden by env or cli) * as if from a parsed config file. The optional `source` param, if * provided, will be included in error messages if a value is invalid or * unknown. */ setConfigValues(values, source = '') { try { this.validate(values); } catch (er) { throw Object.assign(er, source ? { source } : {}); } for (const [field, value] of Object.entries(values)) { const my = this.#configSet[field]; my.default = value; } return this; } /** * Parse a string of arguments, and return the resulting * `{ values, positionals }` object. * * If an {@link JackOptions#envPrefix} is set, then it will read default * values from the environment, and write the resulting values back * to the environment as well. * * Environment values always take precedence over any other value, except * an explicit CLI setting. */ parse(args = process.argv) { if (args === process.argv) { args = args.slice(process._eval !== undefined ? 1 : 2); } if (this.#envPrefix) { for (const [field, my] of Object.entries(this.#configSet)) { const ek = toEnvKey(this.#envPrefix, field); const env = this.#env[ek]; if (env !== undefined) { my.default = fromEnvVal(env, my.type, !!my.multiple, my.delim); } } } const options = toParseArgsOptionsConfig(this.#configSet); const result = parseArgs({ args, options, // always strict, but using our own logic strict: false, allowPositionals: this.#allowPositionals, tokens: true, }); const p = { values: {}, positionals: [], }; for (const token of result.tokens) { if (token.kind === 'positional') { p.positionals.push(token.value); if (this.#options.stopAtPositional) { p.positionals.push(...args.slice(token.index + 1)); return p; } } else if (token.kind === 'option') { let value = undefined; if ('no-')) { const my = this.#configSet[]; const pname ='no-'.length); const pos = this.#configSet[pname]; if (pos && pos.type === 'boolean' && (!my || (my.type === 'boolean' && !!my.multiple === !!pos.multiple))) { value = false; = pname; } } const my = this.#configSet[]; if (!my) { throw new Error(`Unknown option '${token.rawName}'. ` + `To specify a positional argument starting with a '-', ` + `place it at the end of the command after '--', as in ` + `'-- ${token.rawName}'`); } if (value === undefined) { if (token.value === undefined) { if (my.type !== 'boolean') { throw new Error(`No value provided for ${token.rawName}, expected ${my.type}`); } value = true; } else { if (my.type === 'boolean') { throw new Error(`Flag ${token.rawName} does not take a value, received '${token.value}'`); } if (my.type === 'string') { value = token.value; } else { value = +token.value; if (value !== value) { throw new Error(`Invalid value '${token.value}' provided for ` + `'${token.rawName}' option, expected number`); } } } } if (my.multiple) { const pv = p.values; pv[] = pv[] ?? []; pv[].push(value); } else { const pv = p.values; pv[] = value; } } } for (const [field, c] of Object.entries(this.#configSet)) { if (c.default !== undefined && !(field in p.values)) { //@ts-ignore p.values[field] = c.default; } } for (const [field, value] of Object.entries(p.values)) { const valid = this.#configSet[field].validate; if (valid && !valid(value)) { throw new Error(`Invalid value provided for --${field}: ${JSON.stringify(value)}`); } } this.#writeEnv(p); return p; } /** * Validate that any arbitrary object is a valid configuration `values` * object. Useful when loading config files or other sources. */ validate(o) { if (!o || typeof o !== 'object') { throw new Error('Invalid config: not an object'); } for (const field in o) { const config = this.#configSet[field]; if (!config) { throw new Error(`Unknown config option: ${field}`); } if (!isValidValue(o[field], config.type, !!config.multiple)) { throw Object.assign(new Error(`Invalid value ${valueType(o[field])} for ${field}, expected ${valueType(config)}`), { field, value: o[field], }); } if (config.validate && !config.validate(o[field])) { throw new Error(`Invalid config value for ${field}: ${o[field]}`); } } } #writeEnv(p) { if (!this.#env || !this.#envPrefix) return; for (const [field, value] of Object.entries(p.values)) { const my = this.#configSet[field]; this.#env[toEnvKey(this.#envPrefix, field)] = toEnvVal(value, my.delim); } } /** * Add a heading to the usage output banner */ heading(text, level) { if (level === undefined) { level = this.#fields.some(r => isHeading(r)) ? 2 : 1; } this.#fields.push({ type: 'heading', text, level }); return this; } /** * Add a long-form description to the usage output at this position. */ description(text, { pre } = {}) { this.#fields.push({ type: 'description', text, pre }); return this; } /** * Add one or more number fields. */ num(fields) { return this.#addFields(fields, num); } /** * Add one or more multiple number fields. */ numList(fields) { return this.#addFields(fields, numList); } /** * Add one or more string option fields. */ opt(fields) { return this.#addFields(fields, opt); } /** * Add one or more multiple string option fields. */ optList(fields) { return this.#addFields(fields, optList); } /** * Add one or more flag fields. */ flag(fields) { return this.#addFields(fields, flag); } /** * Add one or more multiple flag fields. */ flagList(fields) { return this.#addFields(fields, flagList); } /** * Generic field definition method. Similar to flag/flagList/number/etc, * but you must specify the `type` (and optionally `multiple` and `delim`) * fields on each one, or Jack won't know how to define them. */ addFields(fields) { const next = this; for (const [name, field] of Object.entries(fields)) { this.#validateName(name, field); next.#fields.push({ type: 'config', name, value: field, }); } Object.assign(next.#configSet, fields); return next; } #addFields(fields, fn) { const next = this; Object.assign(next.#configSet, Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(fields).map(([name, field]) => { this.#validateName(name, field); const option = fn(field); next.#fields.push({ type: 'config', name, value: option, }); return [name, option]; }))); return next; } #validateName(name, field) { if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?$/.test(name)) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid option name: ${name}, ` + `must be '-' delimited ASCII alphanumeric`); } if (this.#configSet[name]) { throw new TypeError(`Cannot redefine option ${field}`); } if (this.#shorts[name]) { throw new TypeError(`Cannot redefine option ${name}, already ` + `in use for ${this.#shorts[name]}`); } if (field.short) { if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9]$/.test(field.short)) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid ${name} short option: ${field.short}, ` + 'must be 1 ASCII alphanumeric character'); } if (this.#shorts[field.short]) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid ${name} short option: ${field.short}, ` + `already in use for ${this.#shorts[field.short]}`); } this.#shorts[field.short] = name; this.#shorts[name] = name; } } /** * Return the usage banner for the given configuration */ usage() { if (this.#usage) return this.#usage; let headingLevel = 1; const ui = cliui({ width }); const first = this.#fields[0]; let start = first?.type === 'heading' ? 1 : 0; if (first?.type === 'heading') { ui.div({ padding: [0, 0, 0, 0], text: normalize(first.text), }); } ui.div({ padding: [0, 0, 0, 0], text: 'Usage:' }); if (this.#options.usage) { ui.div({ text: this.#options.usage, padding: [0, 0, 0, 2], }); } else { const cmd = basename(process.argv[1]); const shortFlags = []; const shorts = []; const flags = []; const opts = []; for (const [field, config] of Object.entries(this.#configSet)) { if (config.short) { if (config.type === 'boolean') shortFlags.push(config.short); else shorts.push([config.short, config.hint || field]); } else { if (config.type === 'boolean') flags.push(field); else opts.push([field, config.hint || field]); } } const sf = shortFlags.length ? ' -' + shortFlags.join('') : ''; const so =[k, v]) => ` --${k}=<${v}>`).join(''); const lf = => ` --${k}`).join(''); const lo =[k, v]) => ` --${k}=<${v}>`).join(''); const usage = `${cmd}${sf}${so}${lf}${lo}`.trim(); ui.div({ text: usage, padding: [0, 0, 0, 2], }); } ui.div({ padding: [0, 0, 0, 0], text: '' }); const maybeDesc = this.#fields[start]; if (isDescription(maybeDesc)) { const print = normalize(maybeDesc.text, maybeDesc.pre); start++; ui.div({ padding: [0, 0, 0, 0], text: print }); ui.div({ padding: [0, 0, 0, 0], text: '' }); } // turn each config type into a row, and figure out the width of the // left hand indentation for the option descriptions. let maxMax = Math.max(12, Math.min(26, Math.floor(width / 3))); let maxWidth = 8; let prev = undefined; const rows = []; for (const field of this.#fields.slice(start)) { if (field.type !== 'config') { if (prev?.type === 'config') prev.skipLine = true; prev = undefined; field.text = normalize(field.text, !!field.pre); rows.push(field); continue; } const { value } = field; const desc = value.description || ''; const mult = value.multiple ? 'Can be set multiple times' : ''; const dmDelim = mult && (desc.includes('\n') ? '\n\n' : '\n'); const text = normalize(desc + dmDelim + mult); const hint = value.hint || (value.type === 'number' ? 'n' : value.type === 'string' ? : undefined); const short = !value.short ? '' : value.type === 'boolean' ? `-${value.short} ` : `-${value.short}<${hint}> `; const left = value.type === 'boolean' ? `${short}--${}` : `${short}--${}=<${hint}>`; const row = { text, left, type: 'config' }; if (text.length > width - maxMax) { row.skipLine = true; } if (prev && left.length > maxMax) prev.skipLine = true; prev = row; const len = left.length + 4; if (len > maxWidth && len < maxMax) { maxWidth = len; } rows.push(row); } // every heading/description after the first gets indented by 2 // extra spaces. for (const row of rows) { if (row.left) { // If the row is too long, don't wrap it // Bump the right-hand side down a line to make room const configIndent = indent(Math.max(headingLevel, 2)); if (row.left.length > maxWidth - 2) { ui.div({ text: row.left, padding: [0, 0, 0, configIndent] }); ui.div({ text: row.text, padding: [0, 0, 0, maxWidth] }); } else { ui.div({ text: row.left, padding: [0, 1, 0, configIndent], width: maxWidth, }, { padding: [0, 0, 0, 0], text: row.text }); } if (row.skipLine) { ui.div({ padding: [0, 0, 0, 0], text: '' }); } } else { if (isHeading(row)) { const { level } = row; headingLevel = level; // only h1 and h2 have bottom padding // h3-h6 do not const b = level <= 2 ? 1 : 0; ui.div({ ...row, padding: [0, 0, b, indent(level)] }); } else { ui.div({ ...row, padding: [0, 0, 1, indent(headingLevel + 1)] }); } } } return (this.#usage = ui.toString()); } /** * Return the configuration options as a plain object */ toJSON() { return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(this.#configSet).map(([field, def]) => [ field, { type: def.type, ...(def.multiple ? { multiple: true } : {}), ...(def.delim ? { delim: def.delim } : {}), ...(def.short ? { short: def.short } : {}), ...(def.description ? { description: def.description } : {}), ...(def.validate ? { validate: def.validate } : {}), ...(def.default !== undefined ? { default: def.default } : {}), }, ])); } /** * Custom printer for `util.inspect` */ [inspect.custom](_, options) { return `Jack ${inspect(this.toJSON(), options)}`; } } // Unwrap and un-indent, so we can wrap description // strings however makes them look nice in the code. const normalize = (s, pre = false) => pre // prepend a ZWSP to each line so cliui doesn't strip it. ? s.split('\n').map(l => `\u200b${l}`).join('\n') : s // remove single line breaks, except for lists .replace(/([^\n])\n[ \t]*([^\n])/g, (_, $1, $2) => !/^[-*]/.test($2) ? `${$1} ${$2}` : `${$1}\n${$2}`) // normalize mid-line whitespace .replace(/([^\n])[ \t]+([^\n])/g, '$1 $2') // two line breaks are enough .replace(/\n{3,}/g, '\n\n') .trim(); /** * Main entry point. Create and return a {@link Jack} object. */ export const jack = (options = {}) => new Jack(options); //#