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profile number:

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The Cities Ear

group affiliation: collector

ether credits:

You are interested in sounds and noise and you are obsessed with capturing the various sounds that permeate the city. Your enthusiasm with building a comprehensive sound archive has led you to record an eclectic mix of noises, from the hum of traffic to the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind. However, you're often uncertain about the purpose of this vast collection, which consists of a cacophony of urban sounds.

You stumbled upon 868mHz through an open call and hope that it can provide a platform to share and engage others with your sound archive. You're constantly on the lookout for new and unique soundscapes, which often takes you to diverse locations within the city. Yet, this exploration occasionally overwhelms your senses, leaving you in urgent need of moments of silence and tranquillity, even though your own room rarely offers respite.