*~* **~ mechanical fireflies ~

[by user 9]

[status: active until 12th November]

[51.915909, 4.4778599]


[opening hours: Wed-Sun 14:00 -- 19:00]

Enter the space. Across from you, you will see a mouse. Not a hamster, not a rat, a mouse. Touch it to reveal an alphabet, that allows to read binary sequences into numbers. These sequences are hidden in the broadcast boxes, like mechanical fireflies trying to escape. You are looking for a 4 digit code. Once you decrypted all of the fireflies, mix up the pairs, starting with the higher number.

----The correct numbers entered the code on your profile page will reveal a password that unlocks our archive. Look closely into the mirror world around you to spot it.----

----enter the codeword into your personal page to mine ether credits----

↪ log

LOG 1 03:02:00 02-04-22 PORT: 9.1.13.

LOG 2 02:42:00 13-04-22 PORT: 16.18.15.

LOG 3 03:36:00 25-04-22 PORT: 20.5.3.

LOG 4 03:86:00 07-05-22 PORT: 20.15.18

LOG 5 06:86:00 17-05-22 PORT: 868