*~* **~ frosty news ~
You are not yet at your destination. A lightblue map in the library shelf reveals the path to a hidden container. Find the map, follow it and you will find me in between two concrete tictacs on the base of a metal fence. ----please leave any physical clues where you found them for the next runners.----
----enter the codeword into your personal page to mine ether credits----
LOG 1 03:02:00 02-04-22 PORT: 9.1.13.
LOG 2 02:42:00 13-04-22 PORT: 16.18.15.
LOG 3 03:36:00 25-04-22 PORT: 20.5.3.
LOG 4 03:86:00 07-05-22 PORT: 20.15.18
LOG 5 06:86:00 17-05-22 PORT: 868