slip.js ======= slip.js is a JavaScript library for encoding and decoding [Serial Line Internet Protocol]( packets. It works in both Node.js and in a web browser. How Do I Use It? ---------------- slip.js provides two pieces of functionality: encoding and decoding messages. ### Encoding Encoding is stateless and synchronous. `slip.encode()` takes any array-like object containing bytes, such as a Uint8Array, Node.js Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or plain JavaScript Array. It returns a Uint8Array containing the encoded message. #### Example ```javascript var message = new Uint8Array([99, 97, 116, 33]); var slipEncoded = slip.encode(message); // Result is [192, 99, 97, 33, 192] ``` #### Options
Option Type Description Default value
bufferPadding Number _Optional_. The number of bytes to add to the message's length when initializing the encoder's internal buffer. 4
offset Number _Optional_. An offset index into the data argument to start reading the message from. undefined
byteLength Number _Optional_. The number of bytes of the data argument to read. undefined
### Decoding Decoding is stateful and asynchronous. You need to instantiate a `slip.Decoder` object, providing a callback that will be invoked whenever a complete message is received. By default, messages are limited to 10 MB in size. You can increase this value by providing a `maxBufferSize` option to the `Decoder` constructor, specified in bytes. To decode a SLIP packet, call `decode()`. Whenever the `slip.Decoder` detects the end of an incoming message, it will call its `onMessage` callback. #### Example ```javascript var logMessage = function (msg) { console.log("A SLIP message was received! Here is it: " + msg); }; var decoder = new slip.Decoder({ onMessage: logMessage, maxMessageSize: 209715200, bufferSize: 2048 }); decoder.decode(packet); decoder.decode(otherPacket); ``` #### Options
Option Type Description Default value
bufferSize Number _Optional_. The initial size of the decoder's internal buffer. It will be resized as necessary. 1024
maxMessageSize Number _Optional_. The maximum size of incoming messages, in bytes. Messages larger than this value will cause the onError callback to be invoked. 10485760 (10 MB)
onMessage Function A callback that will be invoked whenever a complete message is decoded. undefined
onError Function A callback that will be invoked whenever an error occurs. undefined
#### Events The `onMessage` callback's signature is:
Argument Type Description
msg Uint8Array The decoded message, with SLIP characters removed.
The `onError` callback's signature is:
Argument Type Description
msgBuffer Uint8Array A copy of the internal message buffer.
errorMsg String The error message.
License ------- slip.js is written by Colin Clark and distributed under the MIT and GPL 3 licenses.