/* * osc.js: An Open Sound Control library for JavaScript that works in both the browser and Node.js * * AMD Module Tests * * Copyright 2014-2016, Colin Clark * Licensed under the MIT and GPL 3 licenses. */ /*global require, QUnit*/ (function () { "use strict"; require.config({ paths: { slip: "../node_modules/slip/dist/slip.min", EventEmitter: "../node_modules/wolfy87-eventemitter/EventEmitter.min", long: "../node_modules/long/dist/long", osc: "../dist/osc-module.min" } }); QUnit.module("Require.js AMD tests"); QUnit.asyncTest("osc is defined and populated using the AMD style", function () { require(["osc"], function (osc) { QUnit.ok(osc, "The 'osc' variable should be defined"); QUnit.ok(osc.WebSocketPort, "The osc browser transports should also be available."); QUnit.start(); }); }); }());