var fs = require("fs"); var path = require("path"); var PackageController = function (setup) { this.loadedPlugins = []; this.setup = setup || {}; return this; } PackageController.prototype.getInstalledPackages = function(root, dir, files_) { var relativePath = path.normalize(dir.toLowerCase()).replace(path.normalize(root.toLowerCase()), ""); var currentDirectoryLevel = relativePath.split(path.sep).length; //console.log(path.sep, "@", currentDirectoryLevel, relativePath); files_ = files_ || []; var files = fs.readdirSync(dir); for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var name = path.join(dir, files[i]); if (fs.statSync(name).isDirectory()){ if (currentDirectoryLevel <= this.config.directoryScanLevel){ this.getInstalledPackages(root, name, files_); } } else { if (path.basename(name).toLowerCase() === "package.json"){ files_.push(name); } } } return files_; }; PackageController.prototype.validateSettings = function() { if (!this.config.directoryScanLevel){ this.config.directoryScanLevel = 1; } if (this.config.expectedPackageIdentifier){ throw "expectedPackageIdentifier is obsolete. Please use method \"identfiy\" instead."; } if (!this.config.identify){ throw "Please declare a method to identify packages in form of \"identify: function(){}\". "; } }; PackageController.prototype.getPackageMainLibraryFile = function(lib) { var result = null; if (lib.meta.main) { result = path.join(lib.dir, lib.meta.main); } else { result = path.join(lib.dir, "index.js"); } return result; }; PackageController.prototype.autoload = function(config) { this.config = config; if (this.config.debug){ console.log("scanning", config.directories); } this.validateSettings(); var libPackageJSONFiles = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.config.directories.length; i++) { this.getInstalledPackages(this.config.directories[i], this.config.directories[i], libPackageJSONFiles); } for (i = 0; i < libPackageJSONFiles.length; i++) { var libPackageJSONFile = libPackageJSONFiles[i]; var plugin = {} try{ plugin.dir = path.dirname(libPackageJSONFile); plugin.meta = require(libPackageJSONFile); } catch(e){ plugin.meta = null; } // TODO: test if plugin was already loaded if (this.config.identify.bind(plugin)()){ var pluginFileName = this.getPackageMainLibraryFile(plugin); if (this.config.debug){ console.log("loading " + + " from " + pluginFileName); } var Plugin = require(pluginFileName); plugin.instance = new Plugin(config.packageContstructorSettings); this.loadedPlugins.push(plugin); } } }; module.exports = new PackageController();