please be mindful of the space. One round of this game is 15 minutes. Lets try this out! Feel free to make new definitions for the terms and add it on the box at the entrance when you leave so the deck can grow infinitely. ORDER: Pick one (or more) of these actions to carry out with your team in the library today. Carry out the action(s) in no more than fifteen minutes. Please use your common sense and be mindful of your comrades :) ... if you're having fun you're on the right track, you're on the right track if you're having fun. say something about the book limit (max 5) they can carry with them at the end of the night welcome, librarian :) these actions are made of permutations. they include verbs, objects, themes, spaces and tools. these are selected at random by a script if you're having fun you're on the right track, you're on the right track if you're having fun. Please pick one or more of these actions to carry out with your team in the library today. Try to carry out the action in no more than fifteen minutes. Please be mindful of the other people in the space and try to follow the guidelines of the library.