You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#This is a script that writes rules and instructions
#First it sets variables
import random
#games = ["backgammon", "pokemon", "war"]
#Pull the content from games.txt
#Open games.txt file
#Read the game name list from the games.txt file
#Make a game name list
gamenames = open("text/games.txt").read().split("\n")
2 years ago
#Read the verbs list from the verbs.txt file
#Make a verbs list
verbs = open("text/verbs.txt").read().split("\n")
2 years ago
#Read the objects list from the objects.txt file
#Make a objects list
objects = open("text/object.txt").read().split("\n")
2 years ago
def spaceremover (defspace):
for object in defspace:
if object == "":
return defspace
2 years ago
objects = spaceremover(objects)
verbs = spaceremover(verbs)
gamenames = spaceremover(gamenames)
2 years ago
#new funtion quantifier
def quantifier (words):
amount = random.randint(-5,7)
2 years ago
word = random.choice(words)
word = str(amount) + " " + word
if amount == 1 or amount == -1:
return word
2 years ago
if word[-1] =="y":
word = word[0:-1]
#word = word.replace("y","")
return word + "ies"
2 years ago
return word + "s"
2 years ago
#object = ["teammate", "card", "turn", "place", "board", "dice", "nice", "backgammon"]
#verb = ["choose", "pick", "give", "burn", "cut"]
#Then it writes a title
2 years ago
print(" " *10+"How to play " + random.choice(gamenames))
#Then it loops through instructions
for i in range(6):
print(" " *10+"Rule " + str(i+1) + ": "+ random.choice(verbs) + " " + quantifier (objects))
2 years ago