![trolley de la muerte](img/trolley.jpg)
- _kamo_ _he/hum_ _IT_
- background
- development of custom software
- to facilitate
- agency-on
- comprehension-of
- complex systems
- before XPUB
- tools were never the main focus
- just instruments to be activated
- within particular contexts
- tailored to specific moments
- then forgotten
- During first year at XPUB something changed
- Working together with my classmates
- let me realize the importance of
- sharing tools
- develop not just for myself
- but also for others
- together with others
- **code as common**
- importance to create a space
- for these tools to circulate
- importance to build narrations
- around these instruments
- Prototyping writing machines
- to keep track of what's happening around us
- _CMS_
- [wiki based](/soupboat/padliography/)
- [git based](/soupboat/~kamo/)
- [jupiter notebook based](/soupboat/si16/)
- _Cookbooks_
- [soups](/soupboat/soup-gen/)
- [reading methods](https://issue.xpub.nl/18/06/)
- _Notation systems_
- [to annotate images](/soupboat/si16/annotation-compass/annotate/Naamloos 1.png/)
- [to annotate synth](https://hub.xpub.nl/soupboat/workbook/instruments/test_instrument/add)
- _Web-to-print_
- [click to print 80 000 post-it](/soupboat/postit)
- [libretto for emergent opera](https://issue.xpub.nl/18/03/)
- [this and other lists](..)
- collecting things
- connecting things
- Every machine implies a different way to think
- requires to balance between different priorities
- accessibility
- susteinability
- flexibility
![goat and cheese](img/sheep_rider.jpg)
- Software development
- as a form of publishing
- as a form of care
- how to
- weave together multiple voices
- open to diverse knowledges
- share pov around software
- _??????_
- Started thinking about **documentation**
- interface between
- code
- user
- developer
- world
- **not just as technical writing**
- **but also worldbuilding**
- to orientate code in the world
- everything is a file
- everything is a frog
![pad as frogs](https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/pad-bis/media/branch/master/lifecycle.jpg)
- Hackpacts
- Documentation for the Padliography (with frogs)
- Documentation for the Workbook (with Supi)
- funny cover images _[1](https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/souptxt)_ _[2](https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/pad-bis)_ _[3](https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/kiwiboat)_
- writing docs together (with Chae) _[4](https://git.xpub.nl/manetta/flask-example/src/branch/documentation)_
- now i get triggered whenever doc is mentioned
- realized that writing doc is HARD
- and a couple of other things
- _contradiction_
- frustration while dealing with undocumented software
- and at the same time never documenting anything
- [xquisite branch on git](https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/exquisite-branch)
- _participation_
- lack of documentation
- is a barrier
- for the participation of diverse knowledges
- in the the making of software
- At the same time
- this very lack
- could be a starting point
- A space to reclaim given margins and entry points
- A chance to overwrite what is normalized
- Let more voices participate
- in the discourse that is software
- _example_
- [RTFM, Mara Karayanni](https://psaroskalazines.gr/pdf/rtfm_zine_screen.pdf)
![chae api drawing](img/chae_api.jpg)
- Chae drawings to explain API
![supi flask design](img/supi_flask.jpg)
- Supi design to diygest Flask
- _worlding_
- a way to produce narrations around software
- create a world for the code to inhabit
- to give affordances
- stretch what is possible
- to do or to think with it
- [The Screenless Office, Brendan Howel](http://screenl.es/)
- **recap**
- community tinkering with code
- lot of experiments
- scattered all around
- not very public
- a generous group
- willing to share
- knowledge & software
- documentation seems an ideal surface
- to host ideas in close contact with code
- letting them entangle and shape each other
- elevator pitch starts after 12 min of intro
- **what do you want to make?**
- a small documentation framework
- focused on the development of situated software
- in the context of our group in XPUB
- situated software
- requires
- situated documentation
- So is this just a documentation of the Soupboat?
- yes
- no
- it's two things
- it starts as documentation around the Soupboat
- to develop a documentation framework for situated software
- chicken-egg meme
- _docs_
- **a soft index of our software**
- what do they do
- where to find them
- how to use them
- from where they come from
- and where are they going
- how we are documenting them
- how to contribute
- why are they important for us
- this docs is for two kinds audience
- _internal public_
- that would be us
- offer a way to keep track
- and orientate knowledge
- share a common interface
- _external public_
- a way to navigate the Soupboat
- a rich ecosystem
- _framework_
- **a system of software & practices**
- shared surface or interface
- one sentence games ritual
- the breakfast club
- flexible and expressive enough
- to be useful for us
- and accessible for others
- a list of resources
- tools
- references
- strategies
- entry points
- to articulate code as common
- and documentation as a form of care
- and this is maybe the moment for a small demo???
- flat markup bonfire
- show don't tell
- **the plan**
- adjust the plan from the project proposal
- **first 3 months** passed experimenting with documentation
- the **next 3 months** are focused on the _internal public_
- here i see myself as facilitator
- introducing the framework
- january is for prototyping small frameworks
- february is for offering them to the group
- march is for using the framework to index the Soupboat
- the **last three months** are dedicated to the _external public_
- here i see myself as curator and designer
- our group will be busy with the projects
- lot of the contents for the documentation produced here
- how to make them accessible from the outside
- which format?
- **larger context**
- Software
- comes from a really specific occidental cultural tradition
- tends to priviledge
- masculine
- binary
- exploitative
- extractive practices
- technical obscurity
- comes invisible
- transparent
- neutral
- Software models the world
- in order to control it
- To make software means not only to write code
- but also to take a stance regarding this trends
- Coding is not just production of software
- but also production of knowledge
- the choice of
- a particular programming language
- the coding style
- the development environment
- the infrastructure that runs the code
- and so on
- are the result of specific contingencies
- These contingencies are situated in precise contexts
- and these contexts are different one from another
- Programming is not just sharing code
- but sharing context
- Programming means to provide a point of view
- a perspective to look at the world
- before attempting to get some grip onto it with a script.
- source code speaks for itself
- but cannot always cast light to its surroundings
- to make place for code
- a necessary act of care
- in the process of sharing knowledge
- This does not mean to constrain the usage of some piece of software
- or provide opinionated solutions or tutorials
- but rather letting others know where does this code come from
- and where it would like to go
- resources of various nature
- tools
- thoughts
- anecdotes
- excercises
- prompts
- strategies
- ...
- entry points
- to articulate _software documentation_ as a form of care
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