@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ The initial imprinting of documentation is a vantage point to orientate code in
The devil is in the details, and software as well: the translation between human and machine has to be negotiated with all the specifics of a particular programming language or platform. Sometimes for the web, sometimes for a hardware component, sometimes for another operative system. These _specs_ make every piece of code a bit alien and peculiar. Tinkering with code is not just knowing by heart a programming language, but rather having to deal with a lot of different recipes for different occasions.
Documentation is not just for beginners: it's a code companion. One never stops reading. Even experienced programmers must refer to docs when first encountering a software, and return to the references when they need a refresher on the syntax of a particular command. They continuously look at code from multiple distances: close to the source code with lines of comment—ignored by the machine, but much appreciated by fellows developers—or from printed books, along with pages of explanations and use cases.
Documentation is not just for beginners: it's a code companion. One never stops reading. Even experienced programmers must refer to docs when first encountering a software, and return to the references when they need a refresher on the syntax of a particular command. They continuously look at code from multiple distances: close to the source code through lines of comment—ignored by the machine, but much appreciated by fellows developers—or from printed books, along with pages of explanations and use cases.
This tentacular surface reaches different moments in the life of a programmer: from the _hello world_ to the _how to uninstall_.
This tentacular surface can reach a programmer in different moment of their life: from the _hello world_ to the _how to uninstall_. This is possible thanks to the multitude of shapes documentation can take: video tutorials and commands cheatsheets, _README_ files and complete guides featuring colored images.