natural reader order

km0 2 years ago
parent a2aa50162e
commit 40149f6e7d

@ -96,23 +96,18 @@ Instead...
- programming for the millions (ullman, 2016)
- read the feminist manual (karagianni, 2021 )
- manuals often address just male developers
- often documentation doesn't offer entry points for beginners, or a sense of direction
- bro culture ? ? ? (could be the transition from previous section) (could be the example with evvvvil help patches)
vvvv is a visual programming language that offers an agile approach to prototyping, adoperated especially in the context of interaction design. Here agile means rapid, but also flexible, but also simplified: it grants an iterative work of fine tuning, necessary when dealing with real time inputs, such as sensors, live data, or human interaction.
vvvv is a visual programming language
used esp with interaction design
fine tuning, iterative process
help patches
- refer to a specific cultural niche ? see ullman, even tho need to counter balance with other examples
- refer to a specific niche ? see ullman, even tho need to counter balance with other examples
- manuals often address just male developers
- often documentation doesn't offer entry points for beginners, or a sense of direction
