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import glob
import math
import mimetypes
import os
import subprocess
import urllib
from PIL import Image
from bureau import Bureau, add_command, add_api
class Humor(Bureau):
This bureau entertains the modern worker and provides colorful
bons mots for managers who need to warm up an audience.
name = "Department of Humor"
prefix = "HA"
version = 0
def __init__(self):
@add_command("joke", "Fortune Cookie")
def print_fortune(self):
Prints a clever quip.
jux = str(subprocess.check_output("/usr/games/fortune"), encoding="UTF-8")
@add_api("gif", "Moving Picture")
def print_gif(self, data):
Prints out a series of image frames which can be viewed in lively
motion on any standard zoetrope. (Ø200mm)
# download the video file
d_url = data["url"]
filename, headers = urllib.request.urlretrieve(d_url)
print("fetching", d_url, filename)
# make sure we have a legit filename
ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(headers["Content-Type"])
if not filename.endswith(ext):
os.rename(filename, filename + ext)
filename = filename + ext
print("renamed to ", filename)
# if we have something that's a gif or webp (png?) then
# just print 12 frames
if filename.endswith(("gif", "webp")):
print("gif stuff")
img =
grab_frame = 0
out_frame = 0
in_len = float(img.n_frames)
# TODO: deal with frame counts lower than 12
# and maybe a different algo that includes endpoints
for frame in range(img.n_frames):
if grab_frame == frame:
img_rotated = img.rotate(90, expand=True)
out_frame += 1
grab_frame = math.ceil(out_frame * in_len / 12)
# how many frames do we have?
cli = "ffprobe -i " + filename + \
" -show_format -v quiet | sed -n 's/duration=//p'"
vid_len = str(subprocess.check_output(cli), encoding="UTF-8")
print("video len: " + vid_len)
# TODO: if vid_len is not a number handle this error
# lengthen/shorten it to 12 frames
# dump frames to temp files
cli = "ffmpeg -i" + filename + " -vf fps=12/" + vid_len +\
" thumb%02d.png"
# print em out!
def main():
ha = Humor()
if __name__ == "__main__":