You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

66 lines
2.7 KiB

define("ace/ext/themelist",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var themeData = [
["Chrome" ],
["Clouds" ],
["Crimson Editor" ],
["Dawn" ],
["Dreamweaver" ],
["Eclipse" ],
["GitHub" ],
["IPlastic" ],
["Solarized Light"],
["TextMate" ],
["Tomorrow" ],
["Xcode" ],
["SQL Server" ,"sqlserver" , "light"],
["Ambiance" ,"ambiance" , "dark"],
["Chaos" ,"chaos" , "dark"],
["Clouds Midnight" ,"clouds_midnight" , "dark"],
["Dracula" ,"" , "dark"],
["Cobalt" ,"cobalt" , "dark"],
["Gruvbox" ,"gruvbox" , "dark"],
["Green on Black" ,"gob" , "dark"],
["idle Fingers" ,"idle_fingers" , "dark"],
["krTheme" ,"kr_theme" , "dark"],
["Merbivore" ,"merbivore" , "dark"],
["Merbivore Soft" ,"merbivore_soft" , "dark"],
["Mono Industrial" ,"mono_industrial" , "dark"],
["Monokai" ,"monokai" , "dark"],
["Nord Dark" ,"nord_dark" , "dark"],
["Pastel on dark" ,"pastel_on_dark" , "dark"],
["Solarized Dark" ,"solarized_dark" , "dark"],
["Terminal" ,"terminal" , "dark"],
["Tomorrow Night" ,"tomorrow_night" , "dark"],
["Tomorrow Night Blue" ,"tomorrow_night_blue" , "dark"],
["Tomorrow Night Bright","tomorrow_night_bright" , "dark"],
["Tomorrow Night 80s" ,"tomorrow_night_eighties" , "dark"],
["Twilight" ,"twilight" , "dark"],
["Vibrant Ink" ,"vibrant_ink" , "dark"]
exports.themesByName = {};
exports.themes = {
var name = data[1] || data[0].replace(/ /g, "_").toLowerCase();
var theme = {
caption: data[0],
theme: "ace/theme/" + name,
isDark: data[2] == "dark",
name: name
exports.themesByName[name] = theme;
return theme;
}); (function() {
window.require(["ace/ext/themelist"], function(m) {
if (typeof module == "object" && typeof exports == "object" && module) {
module.exports = m;