You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

105 lines
2.6 KiB

define("ace/theme/eclipse",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/dom"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
exports.isDark = false;
exports.cssText = ".ace-eclipse .ace_gutter {\
background: #ebebeb;\
border-right: 1px solid rgb(159, 159, 159);\
color: rgb(136, 136, 136);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_print-margin {\
width: 1px;\
background: #ebebeb;\
.ace-eclipse {\
background-color: #FFFFFF;\
color: black;\
.ace-eclipse .ace_fold {\
background-color: rgb(60, 76, 114);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_cursor {\
color: black;\
.ace-eclipse .ace_storage,\
.ace-eclipse .ace_keyword,\
.ace-eclipse .ace_variable {\
color: rgb(127, 0, 85);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_constant.ace_buildin {\
color: rgb(88, 72, 246);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_constant.ace_library {\
color: rgb(6, 150, 14);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_function {\
color: rgb(60, 76, 114);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_string {\
color: rgb(42, 0, 255);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_comment {\
color: rgb(113, 150, 130);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_comment.ace_doc {\
color: rgb(63, 95, 191);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_comment.ace_doc.ace_tag {\
color: rgb(127, 159, 191);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_constant.ace_numeric {\
color: darkblue;\
.ace-eclipse .ace_tag {\
color: rgb(25, 118, 116);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_type {\
color: rgb(127, 0, 127);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_xml-pe {\
color: rgb(104, 104, 91);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_marker-layer .ace_selection {\
background: rgb(181, 213, 255);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_marker-layer .ace_bracket {\
margin: -1px 0 0 -1px;\
border: 1px solid rgb(192, 192, 192);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_meta.ace_tag {\
color:rgb(25, 118, 116);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_invisible {\
color: #ddd;\
.ace-eclipse .ace_entity.ace_other.ace_attribute-name {\
color:rgb(127, 0, 127);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_marker-layer .ace_step {\
background: rgb(255, 255, 0);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_active-line {\
background: rgb(232, 242, 254);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_gutter-active-line {\
background-color : #DADADA;\
.ace-eclipse .ace_marker-layer .ace_selected-word {\
border: 1px solid rgb(181, 213, 255);\
.ace-eclipse .ace_indent-guide {\
background: url(\"\") right repeat-y;\
exports.cssClass = "ace-eclipse";
var dom = require("../lib/dom");
dom.importCssString(exports.cssText, exports.cssClass);
}); (function() {
window.require(["ace/theme/eclipse"], function(m) {
if (typeof module == "object" && typeof exports == "object" && module) {
module.exports = m;