import codecs import html import os.path import random import textwrap import string import urllib from escpos import printer import facebook import PIL import requests import twitter from bureau import Bureau, add_command, add_api class TWrapper(): pass class PublicRelations(Bureau): """ The Public relations department manages the flow of information between the screenless office and the general public. It provides interfaces for Twitter, Facebook, Mastodon and other electronic PR platforms. """ name = "Public Relations" prefix = "PR" version = 0 def __init__(self): Bureau.__init__(self) CK = codecs.decode("neV4HPasZrXMjNaliWWVUIaHA", "rot13") CS = codecs.decode("ntegmiu3rdFAyMczCWM0bgpydFHwYXV3WedhtPCec1Pu9qdfGy", "rot13") TW_CREDS = os.path.expanduser('~/.screenless/tw_creds') if not os.path.exists(TW_CREDS): twitter.oauth_dance("The Screenless Office", CK, CS, TW_CREDS) oauth_token, oauth_secret = twitter.read_token_file(TW_CREDS) self.t = TWrapper() self.auth = twitter.OAuth(oauth_token, oauth_secret, CK, CS) self.t.t = twitter.Twitter(auth=self.auth) # setup DBs to map short codes to tweet ids self.tweetdb = self.dbenv.open_db(b"tweetdb") def get_tweet_id(self, tweet_hash): """ take a short code and look up the tweet id """ with self.dbenv.begin(db=self.tweetdb) as txn: tweetid = txn.get(tweet_hash.encode()) return int(tweetid) def short_tweet_id(self, tweet_id): """ take a tweet id and return a short alphanumeric code """ shortcode = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(5)) with self.dbenv.begin(db=self.tweetdb, write=True) as txn: txn.put(shortcode.encode(), tweet_id.encode()) return shortcode @add_command("tweetpic", "Post a Document Camera Image to Twitter") def tweet_pic(self): """ Takes a photograph using the document camera and posts it to Twitter. """ photo = self.send("PX", "photo")["photo"] with open(photo, "rb") as imagefile: imagedata = t_up = twitter.Twitter(domain='', auth=self.auth) id_img1 =["media_id_string"] self.t.t.statuses.update(status="#screenless", media_ids=id_img1) @add_command("fbpost", "Post to Facebook") def post_fb(self): """ Takes a photograph using the document camera and posts it to Facebook. """ photo = self.send("PX", "photo")["photo"] access_token = 'EAADixisn70ABADh2rEMZAYA8nGzd6ah8RFZA3URba263aCQ63ajLeTiZC5sgZCyIVSmRZBWReVsO9IuaLibX5RjW9Ja2tTZAbxgrDr1dPJzyGwcGTSV9bW1W4NigN0d9dFIH35W2fZBOkhvuLqOCDCBacIPjXPMxF7DRGyrz5lVHxTc04OlBeRX' page_id = "screenless" graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token) print("uploading photo " + photo) graph.put_photo(image=open(photo, 'rb'), album_path=page_id + "/photos", message='#screenless') @add_command("twtimeline", "Print Recent Tweets") def tw_timeline(self, data=None): """ Print some recent tweets from your home timeline. Default is 10. """ if data: try: count = data["count"] except KeyError as err: print("You need to specify how many tweets you want!") else: count = 10 prn = printer.Usb(0x416, 0x5011, in_ep=0x81, out_ep=0x03) prn.codepage = "cp437" # TODO: add fancier formatting i.e. inverted text for username/handle tweets = self.t.t.statuses.home_timeline(count=count) out = "" for t in tweets: prn.set(text_type="U") username = t["user"]["name"].encode("cp437", "ignore") prn._raw(username) prn.text("\r\n") prn.set(text_type="NORMAL") twtext = html.unescape(t["text"]) t_wrapped = textwrap.fill(twtext, width=48) + "\r\n" t_enc = t_wrapped.encode("cp437", "ignore") prn._raw(t_enc) if "media" in t["entities"]: if len(t["entities"]["media"]) > 0: i_url = t["entities"]["media"][0]["media_url"] filename = i_url.rsplit('/',1)[1] filename = "/tmp/" + filename print("fetching", i_url, filename) urllib.request.urlretrieve(i_url, filename) im = if im.mode in ("L", "RGB", "P"): im = PIL.ImageOps.equalize(im) im.thumbnail((576, 576), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) prn.image(im, impl="bitImageColumn") tw_shortcode = self.short_tweet_id(t["id_str"]) prn.barcode("PRtwd." + tw_shortcode, "CODE128", function_type="B") prn.text("\r\n\r\n") prn.cut() @add_command("twd", "Print Tweet Details") def tw_details(self, data): """ Print detailed tweet info and commands for reply, like, retweet, etc. """ self.log.debug("got data " + str(data)) tweet_id = self.get_tweet_id(data) self.log.debug("tweet details for id:" + tweet_id) tweet = prn = printer.Usb(0x416, 0x5011, in_ep=0x81, out_ep=0x03) prn.codepage = "cp437" prn.set(text_type="U") username = tweet["user"]["name"].encode("cp437", "ignore") prn._raw(username) prn.text("\r\n") prn.set(text_type="NORMAL") twtext = html.unescape(tweet["text"]) t_wrapped = textwrap.fill(twtext, width=48) + "\r\n" t_enc = t_wrapped.encode("cp437", "ignore") prn._raw(t_enc) if "media" in tweet["entities"]: if len(tweet["entities"]["media"]) > 0: i_url = tweet["entities"]["media"][0]["media_url"] filename = i_url.rsplit('/',1)[1] filename = "/tmp/" + filename print("fetching", i_url, filename) urllib.request.urlretrieve(i_url, filename) im = if im.mode in ("L", "RGB", "P"): im = PIL.ImageOps.equalize(im) im.thumbnail((576, 576), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) prn.image(im, impl="bitImageColumn") tw_shortcode = self.short_tweet_id(tweet["id_str"]) prn.barcode("PRtwrt." + tw_shortcode, "CODE128", function_type="B") prn.barcode("PRtwlk." + tw_shortcode, "CODE128", function_type="B") prn.text("\r\n\r\n") prn.cut() @add_command("twrt", "Re-Tweet") def tw_retweet(self, data): """ Re-Tweet a tweet from someone else. """ tweet_id = self.get_tweet_id(data) self.t.t.statuses.retweet(id=tweet_id) return @add_command("twre", "Reply to Tweet") def tw_reply(self, data): """ Reply to a tweet. """ # TODO: look up tweet id #self.t.t.statuses.update(status="@AUTHOR_ID", media_ids=id_img1) return @add_command("twlk", "Like a Tweet") def tw_like(self, data): """ 'Like' a tweet. """ tweet_id = self.get_tweet_id(data) self.t.t.favorites.create(id=tweet_id) return def main(): pr = PublicRelations() if __name__ == "__main__": main()