# publications office for reading and writing from base64 import b64encode from datetime import datetime import io import json import multiprocessing.pool import os import random import string import tempfile import threading import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error import bleach import feedparser import kode256 import lxml.html import PIL from readability import readability import requests from bureau import Bureau, add_command, add_api class Publications(Bureau): """ The Publications Office serves as a kind of screenless content management system. Create, update and organize your sites while doing most of the work on paper or anything you can photograph. """ name = "Publications Office" prefix = "PB" version = 0 def __init__(self): Bureau.__init__(self) # set up db for published sites # TODO: rename this to something less ambiguous self.db = os.path.expanduser("~/.screenless/PB.data") if not os.path.exists(self.db): os.mkdir(self.db) # set up urldb for short-codes self.urldb = self.dbenv.open_db(b"urldb") self.rev_urldb = self.dbenv.open_db(b"rev_urldb") def _make_shorturl(self, url): def _shortcode(): return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(5)) # we only have about a billion so make sure we don't collide keys with self.dbenv.begin(write=True, db=self.urldb) as txn: res = "not None" while res is not None: tmpcode = _shortcode() res = txn.get(tmpcode.encode()) txn.put(tmpcode.encode(), url.encode()) # chop wierdly long urls to be 500 chars (LMDB limit for keys) # TODO: make sure we're not truncating some multi-byte unicode if len(url.encode()) > 500: url_key = url.encode()[0:500] else: url_key = url.encode() with self.dbenv.begin(write=True, db=self.rev_urldb) as txn: txn.put(url_key, tmpcode.encode()) return tmpcode def _get_url(self, shortcode): """look up a URL from a shortcode returns full unicode url """ with self.dbenv.begin(db=self.urldb) as txn: return txn.get(shortcode.encode()).decode() @add_command("new", "Create a new Publication/Site") def new_site(self): """ Create a new Publication/Site, set up config and tace a picture from the document camera as the index page. Finally, it will print out the main page with commands for working with the site. """ site_dir = os.path.join(self.db, "1") site_id = 1 while os.path.exists(site_dir): site_id += 1 site_dir = os.path.join(self.db, str(site_id)) os.mkdir(site_dir) root_d = {"template": "default", "id": site_id} with open(os.path.join(site_dir, "root.json", "w")) as root_json: root_json.write(json.dumps(root_d)) photo = self.send("PX", "photo")["photo"] # TODO: come up with a generic set of img form operations for Bureau # should map regions defined with percentages to names form_img = PIL.Image.open(photo) fx, fy = form_img.size title_region = (0, 0, 0.5 * fx, 0.125 * fy) title_img = form_img.crop(title_region) content_region = (0, 0.125 * fy, fx, fy) content_img = form_img.crop(content_region) def _update_page(self, site, page): pass @add_command("news", "Print a personalized daily newspaper") def daily_news(self): """ Print out a selection of up-to-the-minute news items culled from various sources on the internet. Current unread Post, weather and finance information can also be shown. """ news = self._get_news() # TODO: get weather # TODO: get finance inbox = self.send("PO", "unread") date = datetime.today().strftime("%A %B %e, %Y") if inbox is None: inbox = [] # if IMAP times out just move on... self.print_full("news.html", news=news, inbox=inbox, date=date) @add_command("r", "Print a web page for reading") def print_url(self, data): """ Print out a web page for reading. The command requires a short-code, typically referenced via barcode. Short-codes refer to full resource URIs recorded in the Publications office 'urldb' database. """ shortcode, _ = data.split(".") with self.dbenv.begin(db=self.urldb) as txn: self.log.debug("looking up short-code:" + shortcode) url = txn.get(shortcode.encode('utf-8')) if not url: self.log.warning("no valid URL in db for short code: " + shortcode) return else: url = url.decode() # download page with requests headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'} try: resp = requests.get(url, timeout=20.0, headers=headers) except requests.ReadTimeout: self.log.warning("Timeout reading url %s", url) self.print_small("Error: timed out reading " + url) return except requests.ConnectionError as e: self.log.warning("Error reading url %s", url) self.print_small("Error: connect error on " + url) return # re-render with readability doc = readability.Document(resp.text, url=url) timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("Sourced %d %B, %Y at %H:%M") html = lxml.html.document_fromstring(doc.summary()) notecount = 0 # store links then make corresponding svg barcodes for link in html.findall(".//a"): if "href" in link.attrib: notecount += 1 else: continue # skip bogus links tmpcode = self._make_shorturl(link.attrib["href"]) footlink = html.makeelement("span") footlink.attrib["class"] = "footlink" footlink.text = str(notecount) link.append(footlink) svg = kode256.svg("PBr." + tmpcode) #svg = self.bc_svg("PBr." + tmpcode, height=7.0) footnote = html.makeelement("div") footnote.attrib["class"] = "footnote" notetext = html.makeelement("div") notetext.text = str(notecount) + ". " + link.attrib["href"] footnote.append(notetext) #TODO: make this barcode inline thing a util method encoded_svg = b64encode(svg.encode()).decode() encoded_data = "data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8;base64," + encoded_svg svg = '' % encoded_data footnote.append(lxml.html.fromstring(svg)) html.append(footnote) self.print_full("article.html", title=doc.title(), article=lxml.html.tostring(html).decode("utf-8"), url=url, date=timestamp) def _get_ogdata(self, url): """ returns an object with OpenGraph metadata if available """ ogdata = {} # download page with requests headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'} try: resp = requests.get(url, timeout=20.0, headers=headers) except (requests.ReadTimeout, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout): self.log.warning("Timeout fetching OpenGraph data from document %s", url) return ogdata except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError): self.log.warning("Connection errors fetching OpenGraph from %s", url) return ogdata except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: self.log.warning("Can't get OpenGraph data from bogus URL %s", url) return ogdata html = lxml.html.document_fromstring(resp.text) #find all elements with property="og:" elements = html.findall(".//*[@property]") for element in elements: prop = element.get("property") val = element.get("content") if prop.startswith("og:"): prop = prop[3:] ogdata[prop] = val return ogdata def _get_news(self): """fetch a set of latest news entries from sources specified in config """ feeds = self.config["newsfeeds"] entries = [] feed_data = {} threads = [] for source in feeds: url = source["url"] feedlock = threading.RLock() def fetch_feed(url, feed_data): """ get feed data with requests using a timeout """ try: resp = requests.get(url, timeout=20.0) with feedlock: feed_data[url] = io.BytesIO(resp.content) except requests.ReadTimeout: self.log.warning("Timeout reading RSS feed %s", url) with feedlock: feed_data[url] = None return thread = threading.Thread(target=fetch_feed, args=(url, feed_data)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() for source in feeds: feed = feedparser.parse(feed_data[source["url"]]) if feed is None: continue num_entries = source["count"] # work around if we don't have enough news if num_entries > len(feed.entries): num_entries = len(feed.entries) en_count = 0 while en_count < num_entries: try: entry = feed.entries.pop(0) except IndexError: # we are out of entries - quit en_count = num_entries continue # ignore the old news we've already seen # with self.dbenv.begin(db=self.rev_urldb) as txn: res = txn.get(entry.link.encode()) if res is not None: continue entry.source = feed.feed.title entry.dbhash = self._make_shorturl(entry.link) entry.svg = kode256.svg("PBr." + entry.dbhash) #entry.svg = self.bc_svg("PBr." + entry.dbhash, width=0.24, # height=7.0) encoded_svg = b64encode(entry.svg.encode()).decode() encoded_data = "data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8;base64," + encoded_svg entry.svg = '' % encoded_data # skip bogus entries with no text if not hasattr(entry, "summary"): continue # limit summary to the last space below 500 characters if len(entry.summary) > 500: end = entry.summary.rfind(" ", 0, 499) entry.summary = entry.summary[0:end] + "…" entry.summary = bleach.clean(entry.summary, strip=True) entries.append(entry) en_count += 1 # do this multi-threaded cuz downloads can be slow # NOTE: this could be further optimized with 2 threads per host (chunks) def fetch_og(entry): """ get OpenGraph data for entry and download image TODO: add microdata support here to get author """ og_data = self._get_ogdata(entry.link) if hasattr(entry, "media_thumbnail"): entry.img = entry.media_thumbnail[-1]["url"] elif "image" in og_data: entry.img = og_data["image"] else: entry.img = " " if entry.img != " ": fileext = "." + entry.img.rsplit(".",1)[1] if len(fileext) > 4: fileext = ".jpg" filename = tempfile.mktemp(fileext) try: print("fetching", entry.img, filename) urllib.request.urlretrieve(entry.img, filename) entry.img = "file://" + filename except urllib.error.HTTPError as err: self.log.error(err) entry.img = " " return entry fetcher = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(processes=2) entries_fetched = fetcher.map(fetch_og, entries) return entries_fetched def main(): pub = Publications() pub.run() if __name__ == "__main__": main()