import subprocess
from bureau import Bureau, add_command
class Audio(Bureau):
The Audio Services department provides for playback and recording
of sound within the office environment.
name = "Audio Services Dept."
prefix = "AU"
version = 0
def __init__(self):
self.urldb = self.open_db("urldb")
subprocess.call(["mocp", "-S"])
@add_command("p", "Play an album, track or a live stream.")
def play(self, data):
Initiates playback of a media reference. This could be a song or album
stored on the local office or remote URLs for live playback. Currently,
only supports line-out signals on the default DAC.
shortcode, _ = data.split(".")
self.log.debug("looking up shortcode " + shortcode)
url = self.urldb.get(shortcode)
self.log.debug(" playing url " + url)
subprocess.call(["mocp", "-c"])
subprocess.call(["mocp", "-a", url])
subprocess.call(["mocp", "-p"])
@add_command("stop", "Halt audio playback.")
def stop(self):
Stops all audio currently playing audio output.
subprocess.call(["mocp", "-P"])
@add_command("resu", "Resume playback.")
def resume(self):
Resume playback of paused audio.
subprocess.call(["mocp", "-U"])
@add_command("next", "Play the next song.")
def play_next(self):
Skip to the next song in the playlist or album.
subprocess.call(["mocp", "-f"])
@add_command("prev", "Play the previous song.")
def play_prev(self):
Skip to the previous song in the playlist or album.
subprocess.call(["mocp", "-r"])
@add_command("nowp", "Now Playing")
def now_playing(self):
Prints the currently playing song or stream on the small printer.
out = subprocess.check_output(["mocp", "-i"]).decode("utf-8")
self.log.debug("info output:" + out)
def save_url(self, url):
saves an url for a local file or network audio stream.
code = self.urldb.store_and_get_shortcode(url)
print("saved url with shortcode: ", code)
def main():
au = Audio()
if __name__ == "__main__":