import codecs
import html
import os.path
import textwrap
import urllib
from escpos import printer
import facebook
import PIL
import requests
import twitter
from bureau import Bureau, add_command, add_api
class TWrapper():
class PublicRelations(Bureau):
The Public relations department manages the flow of information between
the screenless office and the general public. It provides interfaces
for Twitter, Facebook and other electronic PR platforms.
name = "Public Relations"
prefix = "PR"
version = 0
def __init__(self):
CK = codecs.decode("arI4UCnfMeKZwAnyvJJIHVnUN",
CS = codecs.decode("ntegmiu3rdFAyMczCWM0bgpydFHwYXV3WedhtPCec1Pu9qdfGy",
TW_CREDS = os.path.expanduser('~/.screenless/tw_creds')
if not os.path.exists(TW_CREDS):
twitter.oauth_dance("The Screenless Office", CK, CS,
oauth_token, oauth_secret = twitter.read_token_file(TW_CREDS)
self.t = TWrapper()
self.t.t = twitter.Twitter(auth=twitter.OAuth(oauth_token, oauth_secret,
CK, CS))
@add_command("tweetpic", "Post a Document Camera Image to Twitter")
def tweet_pic(self):
Takes a photograph using the document camera and posts it to Twitter.
photo = self.send("PX", "photo")["photo"]
with open(photo, "rb") as imagefile:
imagedata = imagefile.read()
t_up = twitter.Twitter(domain='upload.twitter.com', auth=self.auth)
id_img1 = t_up.media.upload(media=imagedata)["media_id_string"]
self.t.t.statuses.update(status="#screenless", media_ids=id_img1)
@add_command("fbpost", "Post to Facebook")
def post_fb(self):
Takes a photograph using the document camera and posts it to Facebook.
photo = self.send("PX", "photo")["photo"]
access_token = 'EAADixisn70ABADh2rEMZAYA8nGzd6ah8RFZA3URba263aCQ63ajLeTiZC5sgZCyIVSmRZBWReVsO9IuaLibX5RjW9Ja2tTZAbxgrDr1dPJzyGwcGTSV9bW1W4NigN0d9dFIH35W2fZBOkhvuLqOCDCBacIPjXPMxF7DRGyrz5lVHxTc04OlBeRX'
page_id = "screenless"
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token)
#graph.put_object(parent_object=page_id, connection_name='feed',
# message='testing screenless post')
print("uploading photo " + photo)
graph.put_photo(image=open(photo, 'rb'), album_path=page_id + "/photos",
message='test photo')
#files = {"file": ("cam.jpg", open(photo, 'rb'))}
#args = {}
#args["access_token"] = access_token
#args["caption"] = "test cam"
#resp = requests.post(facebook.FACEBOOK_GRAPH_URL + graph.version + "/"\
# + "me" + "/photos",
# files=files,
# params=args,
# timeout=graph.timeout,
# proxies=graph.proxies)
@add_command("twtimeline", "Print Recent Tweets")
def tw_timeline(self, data=None):
Print some recent tweets from your home timeline. Default is 10.
if data:
count = data["count"]
except KeyError as err:
print("You need to specify how many tweets you want!")
count = 10
prn = printer.Usb(0x416, 0x5011, in_ep=0x81, out_ep=0x03)
prn.codepage = "cp437"
# TODO: add fancier formatting i.e. inverted text for username/handle
tweets = self.t.t.statuses.home_timeline(count=count)
out = ""
for t in tweets:
username = t["user"]["name"].encode("cp437", "ignore")
twtext = html.unescape(t["text"])
t_wrapped = textwrap.fill(twtext, width=48) + "\r\n"
t_enc = t_wrapped.encode("cp437", "ignore")
if "media" in t["entities"]:
if len(t["entities"]["media"]) > 0:
i_url = t["entities"]["media"][0]["media_url"]
filename = i_url.rsplit('/',1)[1]
filename = "/tmp/" + filename
print("fetching", i_url, filename)
urllib.request.urlretrieve(i_url, filename)
im = PIL.Image.open(filename)
if im.mode in ("L", "RGB", "P"):
im = PIL.ImageOps.equalize(im)
im.thumbnail((576, 576), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
prn.image(im, impl="bitImageColumn")
def main():
pr = PublicRelations()
if __name__ == "__main__":