You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>01 - Pathways</title>
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<div class="sub">
documenting code documentation
<div class="info">
hello! welcome
this is an archive to navigate through different ways of making code documentation
navigate in the sense of learning how to find things, like
there is no clear path / a practice to learn / shared practice personal practice
<div class="attempt">
first attempt focuses on:
tag system as a writing machine,
navigable both as an index but also through several pathways
Every pathway is a (semi) curated collection of entries.
It groups together different experiences.
It's different by just filtering by tag,
because it provides also context around the entries
a pathway could be also imagined as (written with) a markup languge
using tags to insert entries in a broader text,
either specifying a particular entry or just referring to a generic tag
(and then for example fetch an entry from that category)
it could be a way to play with the tag system as a writing machine
<ul class="pathways">
<a href="pop">Politics of Participation</a>
<li><a href="rs">Representation Specs</a></li>
<li><a href="hw">Hello Worlding</a></li>
<ul class="tags">
<li>personal project</li>
<li>feminist servers</li>
<ul class="entries">
<li class="entry">
<div class="title">The screenless office</div>
<div class="tags">docstrings, python, personal project, worlding</div>
<li class="entry">
<div class="title">360 degrees</div>
<div class="tags">workshop, situated, feminist servers, fediverse</div>
<li class="entry">
<div class="title">Sharing programming knowledge</div>
<div class="tags">workshop, accademia, education</div>
<li class="entry">
<div class="title">pad-bis</div>
<div class="tags">readme, situated, worlding</div>
<li class="entry">
<div class="title">drw</div>
<div class="tags">readme, situated, javascript</div>
<li class="entry">
<div class="title">Plan 9 from Bell Labs</div>
<div class="tags">explanations, research, OS</div>
<li class="entry">
<div class="title">From NAND to Tetris</div>
<div class="tags">course, academia, OS, abstraction</div>
<li class="entry">
<div class="title">Programming projects for Advanced Beginners</div>
<div class="tags">series, decoupled, tutorial</div>